商业赞助对高校体育的影响效应分析,页数 10字数 10777摘要:随着我国体育赞助市场的兴起和发展,以及高校教育改革的不断深化和创新,越来越多的高校把体育赞助作为市场经济条件下解决高校体育活动经费短缺问题的一个重要手段和途径。本文着力于对高校体育市场结构特点和校园体育竞赛商家赞助现象介入的成因以及所带来的变化发展特点进行...

此文档由会员 王亮亮 发布
页数 10 字数 10777
摘 要:随着我国体育赞助市场的兴起和发展,以及高校教育改革的不断深化和创新,越来越多的高校把体育赞助作为市场经济条件下解决高校体育活动经费短缺问题的一个重要手段和途径。本文着力于对高校体育市场结构特点和校园体育竞赛商家赞助现象介入的成因以及所带来的变化发展特点进行分析,力求提出一些推进我国高校体育赞助工作的营销策略,以达到高校赛事企校合作的双赢构想,供高校在开展体育赞助活动时作为参考。
Abstract:wiht the rising and development of supportmarket of chinese sports,the unceasing and creativity of educational reform of colleges and universities, more and more colleges and universities consider spoers'support as an important means and way which are used to solve shortage of funds of sports activities ni colleges and universities in the condition of market economy.This paper aims at analysing cause of factors which refer to structural features of market of sportsin coolleges and universities and character of devdlopment which is caused by some changes;bringing forward some sales policies which can promote sports support of chinese colleges and universities,accounting to two-winning idea of match and cooperation of colleges and universities,which is consulted by colleges and universities in holding support activities of sports.
Keywords:colleges and universities; sports match; support of busuness; two-winning policy
目 录
正 文…………………………………………………………………2
1、校园体育竞赛的发展及校园体育赞助的界定……………… 2
1.1 校园体育竞赛发展的历史性变化………………………… 2
1.2 校园体育赞助的概念界定 ……………………………… 2
2、体育赞助对赞助企业的功能效应…………………………… 2
2.1 有利于扩大企业的知名度,提高其美誉度,增强其印象度 2
2.2 有利于促进赞助企业同大学生的直接沟通和现场销售 3
2.3 有利于赞助企业开展公共关系,与高校建立长期的友好
关系……………………………………………………… 3
3、体育赞助对高校的功能效应和负面影响…………………… 3
3.1 体育赞助对高校的功能效应 …………………………… 3
3.2 商家赞助对校园竞赛的负面影响效应 ………………… 4
3.3 商家赞助学校体育竞赛现象的成因 …………………… 4
3.4 企校合作共同开发策略 ………………………………… 5
4、结语…………………………………………………………… 7
参考文献 ……………………………………………………………… 8
参 考 文 献
页数 10 字数 10777
摘 要:随着我国体育赞助市场的兴起和发展,以及高校教育改革的不断深化和创新,越来越多的高校把体育赞助作为市场经济条件下解决高校体育活动经费短缺问题的一个重要手段和途径。本文着力于对高校体育市场结构特点和校园体育竞赛商家赞助现象介入的成因以及所带来的变化发展特点进行分析,力求提出一些推进我国高校体育赞助工作的营销策略,以达到高校赛事企校合作的双赢构想,供高校在开展体育赞助活动时作为参考。
Abstract:wiht the rising and development of supportmarket of chinese sports,the unceasing and creativity of educational reform of colleges and universities, more and more colleges and universities consider spoers'support as an important means and way which are used to solve shortage of funds of sports activities ni colleges and universities in the condition of market economy.This paper aims at analysing cause of factors which refer to structural features of market of sportsin coolleges and universities and character of devdlopment which is caused by some changes;bringing forward some sales policies which can promote sports support of chinese colleges and universities,accounting to two-winning idea of match and cooperation of colleges and universities,which is consulted by colleges and universities in holding support activities of sports.
Keywords:colleges and universities; sports match; support of busuness; two-winning policy
目 录
正 文…………………………………………………………………2
1、校园体育竞赛的发展及校园体育赞助的界定……………… 2
1.1 校园体育竞赛发展的历史性变化………………………… 2
1.2 校园体育赞助的概念界定 ……………………………… 2
2、体育赞助对赞助企业的功能效应…………………………… 2
2.1 有利于扩大企业的知名度,提高其美誉度,增强其印象度 2
2.2 有利于促进赞助企业同大学生的直接沟通和现场销售 3
2.3 有利于赞助企业开展公共关系,与高校建立长期的友好
关系……………………………………………………… 3
3、体育赞助对高校的功能效应和负面影响…………………… 3
3.1 体育赞助对高校的功能效应 …………………………… 3
3.2 商家赞助对校园竞赛的负面影响效应 ………………… 4
3.3 商家赞助学校体育竞赛现象的成因 …………………… 4
3.4 企校合作共同开发策略 ………………………………… 5
4、结语…………………………………………………………… 7
参考文献 ……………………………………………………………… 8
参 考 文 献