
原文档由会员 holyjw 发布本文首先介绍了构建一个管理网站所必备的技术手段:B/S结构、JAVA技术、SSI框架技术等。该系统实现了用户的登陆投诉,跟踪并查看投诉处理情况,报修预约和缴费查询等功能。管理员部分实现了缴费管理、投诉管理、报修管理、系统用户管理等功能。
摘 要
Residential property management with the development of network technology has already begun development of the computerized network, as opposed to the traditional property management, residential property management in the WEB-B / S mode has many advantages. Many small areas under its management, such as property companies share the property management system do not have to be set in each district office, managers only need to set up from the server, and change anywhere to view all residential property owners and management a significant reduction in the company's resources.
This paper first introduces the techniques necessary to build a site: B/S structure, JAVA technology, the SSI framework technology. On this basis, discusses the Web-residential property management system requirements and overall design of the database table design, and discusses in detail the design and realization of residential property management system, and some of the major issues analysis.
The system realizes the user landing complaint, track and view the handling of complaints and repair appointments and payment inquiries. The administrator part of the payment management, complaint management, repair management, users of the system management functions. So that the owners eliminating the need for steps to run a property company to seek the services greatly facilitate the lives of the owners. Property management companies more understanding of the client needs in a timely manner, easy to save and query the user information, but also real-time recording administrator operating information. WEB-based residential property management system based on these advantages, the specification of property management is of great significance, is an effective way to enhance the level of property management.
Keywords: Property Management; Owners;WEB;JAVA
目 录
第1章 概 述 1
1.1 研究目的和意义 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容 4
第2章 开发技术与运行环境 5
2.1 B/S结构 5
2.2 JAVA技术 5
2.3 MYSQL 6
2.4 SSI框架技术 6
2.5 MVC三层架构 8
2.6 运行环境 8
第3章 系统设计 9
3.1 需求分析 9
3.1.1 业主需求分析 9
3.1.1 管理员需求分析 11
3.2 系统功能设计 14
3.2.1 系统总体结构 14
3.2.2 前台顾客模块设计 14
3.2.3 后台管理员模块设计 16
第4章 数据库设计 19
4.1 数据库需求分析 19
4.2 数据库E-R图分析 19
4.3 数据库结构设计 21
第5章 系统的实现 25
5.1 数据库连接 25
5.2 系统前台的实现 25
5.2.1 注册模块实现 25
5.2.2 登录模块实现 26
5.2.3 投诉服务模块实现 29
5.2.4 报修服务模块实现 31
5.2.5 缴费查询模块实现 33
5.2.6 停车位模块实现 34
5.2.7 楼宇信息模块实现 35
5.2.8 个人信息管理模块实现 35
5.3系统后台的实现 36
5.3.1 登录模块实现 36
5.3.2 系统用户模块实现 37
5.3.3 住户管理模块实现 37
5.3.4 投诉管理模块实现 39
5.3.5 报修管理模块实现 40
5.3.6 缴费管理模块实现 40
5.3.7 其他模块实现 42
第6章 结束语 43
参考文献 44
致 谢 45