

基于labview的测量温度和压力的化学虚拟仪器的设计-英文翻译,a labview-based self-const ructed chemical virtual inst rument ( vi) has been de ve loped for deter m ining temper atures and pres-sures. it can be put to gethe...
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原文档由会员 叼着吸管的猪 发布

A LabVIEW-based self-const ructed chemical virtual inst rument ( VI) has been de ve loped for deter m ining temper atures and pres-sures. It can be put to gether easily and quickly by selecting hard ware modules, such as the P CI-DAQ card or ser i al por t method,different k inds of sensors, sig n al-conditioning circuits or finished chemical inst ruments, and software modules such as d ata a c-quisition, saving , pro ceeding . The VI system prov ides indiv i dual and ext remely flexible s olutions for a utomaticmeasurements in physical chemistry research .
