

中国自主品牌西式快餐的市场定位研究----以德克士为例,摘 要   在当今信息化高速发展的社会中,大量的信息涌现而出,同质化的产品铺天盖地。如何使自己的产品从大量的信息中脱颖而出,市场定位是一个不可忽视的关键性因素。因为只有在认真地分析消费者的心理需求差异和市场竞争特点的基础,选准本企业的市场定位,才能使广告促销深入人心,给消费者留下清晰印象,进而取得理想效果,在竞争中脱颖...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布

摘 要


In today's rapid development of information society, a lot of information come to the fore, homogeneous products. How to make their products talent showing itself from the mass of information, market positioning is an indispensable key factor. Because only based on carefully analyzing the psychological needs of consumers and market competition characteristics, choose accurate market positioning of the enterprise, in order to make the advertisement promotion win support among the people, to consumers left a clear impression, and then obtain the ideal effect, talent showing itself in the competition.
China's fast food market competition is intense, especially in the field of Western fast food, has been dominated by Macdonald's and KFC two major international giants of the ocean fast-food brand champion, domestic brands in the field of competition of overall performance is weak, but there are individual brand can survive in the fierce market crevice and have the potential to expand.

Based on the market positioning of Dicos as an example, impact on the consumer demand for the market positioning of the to do some analysis, in view of our country western fast-food brand market performance, make the research results and conclusions on the effect of market orientation on market positioning method.

Keywords: fastfood , dicos , marketing position

目 录

1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.3研究方法 3
2 文献综述 4
2.1市场定位的概念 4
2.2市场定位类别 4
2.2.1客观市场定位 4
2.2.2主观市场定位 5
2.3市场定位的方式 5
2.3.1创新定位 5
2.3.2迎头定位 5
2.3.3避强定位 6
2.3.4重新定位 6
2.4市场定位方法 6
2.4.1STP营销战略 6
2.4.2基于3C的市场定位模型 7
2.4.3市场定位综合模型 8
3 德克士企业经营现状分析 9
3.1中国餐饮行业发展现状 9
3.1.1中国餐饮业总体概况 9
3.1.2中国快餐业发展现状 10
3.2德克士企业概况 11
3.2.1企业发展历程 11
3.2.2德克士经营状况 11
3.2.3存在的问题及面临的挑战 12
4 德克士市场定位分析 13
4.1STP营销战略三要素分析 13
4.1.1市场细分 13
4.1.2目标市场选择 13
4.1.3市场定位 14
4.2基于3C的市场定位模型 15
4.2.1顾客的偏好 15
4.2.2企业能力 16
4.2.3竞争者的市场定位 16
4.3德克士市场定位综合模型分析 16
5 结论 19
参考文献: 20