330mw大型电站锅炉过热器热偏差特性分析_毕业论文,摘 要 随着电力工业的发展,火力发电机组的装机容量日益增大,300mw、600mw 机组已成为电网中的主力机组,这部分机组运行质量的优劣对整个电网运行的可靠性、经济性有着非常重要的影响。过热器和再热器作为锅炉机组重要的部件,其可靠运行无疑对整个机组的安全运行有着非常重要的意义。随着机组容量的增大,锅炉过热系统因热偏...

此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
摘 要
随着电力工业的发展,火力发电机组的装机容量日益增大,300MW、600MW 机组已成为电网中的主力机组,这部分机组运行质量的优劣对整个电网运行的可靠性、经济性有着非常重要的影响。过热器和再热器作为锅炉机组重要的部件,其可靠运行无疑对整个机组的安全运行有着非常重要的意义。随着机组容量的增大,锅炉过热系统因热偏差引起的超温爆管事故频频发生,严重影响了发电厂的安全、经济运行。鉴于上述原因,关于热偏差的成因及热偏差、壁温计算方法的研究就具有非常重要的实际意义。但多数人员对热偏差成因的研究多侧重于某一方面,很少对热偏差的成因进行全面、系统的理论分析;而且我国许多锅炉制造厂普遍采用原苏联热力计算标准方法来计算壁温,这种方法对于过去容量小、参数低的锅炉机组来说,计算结果还比较准确,但是对于现代大容量、高参数的电站锅炉来说,不可避免地带来一些问题。因此,论文在关于热偏差成因的综合理论分析基础之上,建立受热面合理的蒸汽流量分配计算模型、热偏差计算模型和壁温计算模型,摒弃原有计算方法中的不足,采取适于工程应用的计算方法,以实现准确地反映受热面出口汽温和管子壁温分布情况。同时,依据热偏差的成因提出相应的减小措施或预防对策。
With the development of the electrical industry, the installed capacity of the thermal power generating unit is augmenting increasingly. The generating units of 300MW and 600MW have been the main ones in the power network. Whether these generating units′operation is superior or not will have a great influence on the dependability and efficient performance of the power network operation. The reliable operation of the superheater and reheater that are the key components of the large-capacity power station boiler is very significant for the whole units without doubt. With the enlargement of the installed capacity,the overheating and tube rupture of the boiler superheat system frequently happen because of thermal deviation, which seriously affects the safe and economy operation of generating plant.
On account of the related fact above, research into the causes of the thermal deviation, the calculation method of the thermal deviation and the wall temperature are greatly important. But most researches into the causes of the thermal deviation often are thrown into some a side, few carry out an all-round and systematic theoretical analysis, and many manufactures calculate the wall temperature popularly according to the old standard method about the heat calculation of the Soviet Union, this method is suitable for the last boiler unit of small capacity and low parameter, but as to large-capacity and high parameter power station boilers today, it will bring some problems inescapably. At the same time,according to the causes of the thermal deviation, the measures or schemes to decrease the thermal deviation have been put forward.
This dissertation puts the calculation patterns established into practical use, taking the thermal condition of the 330MW subcritical pressure concurrent boiler of the Jilin Jiangnan Power Plant as an example, and gives a profound analysis on the main causes of the thermal deviation. The calculation results of the thermal deviation prove it appropriate that the calculation method is taken, for the results can accord with the factual thermal deviation condition. So this dissertation can provide a certain reference value and practical direction for the optimum design of the heat-exchanger surface and the accident analysis.
Key words: Boiler;Superheater;Thermal deviation;Wall temperature;Overheating and tube rupture
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究成果和发展动态 2
1.3 课题研究的内容与方法 3
第2章 过热器系统的热偏差理论分析 1
2.1 概述 4
2.2 过热器热偏差概念叙述 4
2.3 烟气侧热偏差的原因 5
2.4 蒸汽侧流量偏差原因 8
第3章 过热器热偏差基本计算方法 11
3.1 概述 11
3.2 热负荷不均系数计算 11
3.3热偏差计算相关参数的确定 14
3.4 并联管组流量偏差计算 17
3.5 热偏差系数计算 22
3.6 金属壁温计算 23
3.7 实例锅炉介绍 25
3.8 实例应用计算结果 26
第4章 减小热偏差的措施 29
4.1减小烟温偏差的措施 29
4.2 减少蒸汽侧偏差的措施 32
结 论 32
致 谢 33
参考文献 36
随着电力工业的发展,火力发电机组的装机容量日益增大,300MW、600MW 机组已成为电网中的主力机组,这部分机组运行质量的优劣对整个电网运行的可靠性、经济性有着非常重要的影响。过热器和再热器作为锅炉机组重要的部件,其可靠运行无疑对整个机组的安全运行有着非常重要的意义。随着机组容量的增大,锅炉过热系统因热偏差引起的超温爆管事故频频发生,严重影响了发电厂的安全、经济运行。鉴于上述原因,关于热偏差的成因及热偏差、壁温计算方法的研究就具有非常重要的实际意义。但多数人员对热偏差成因的研究多侧重于某一方面,很少对热偏差的成因进行全面、系统的理论分析;而且我国许多锅炉制造厂普遍采用原苏联热力计算标准方法来计算壁温,这种方法对于过去容量小、参数低的锅炉机组来说,计算结果还比较准确,但是对于现代大容量、高参数的电站锅炉来说,不可避免地带来一些问题。因此,论文在关于热偏差成因的综合理论分析基础之上,建立受热面合理的蒸汽流量分配计算模型、热偏差计算模型和壁温计算模型,摒弃原有计算方法中的不足,采取适于工程应用的计算方法,以实现准确地反映受热面出口汽温和管子壁温分布情况。同时,依据热偏差的成因提出相应的减小措施或预防对策。
With the development of the electrical industry, the installed capacity of the thermal power generating unit is augmenting increasingly. The generating units of 300MW and 600MW have been the main ones in the power network. Whether these generating units′operation is superior or not will have a great influence on the dependability and efficient performance of the power network operation. The reliable operation of the superheater and reheater that are the key components of the large-capacity power station boiler is very significant for the whole units without doubt. With the enlargement of the installed capacity,the overheating and tube rupture of the boiler superheat system frequently happen because of thermal deviation, which seriously affects the safe and economy operation of generating plant.
On account of the related fact above, research into the causes of the thermal deviation, the calculation method of the thermal deviation and the wall temperature are greatly important. But most researches into the causes of the thermal deviation often are thrown into some a side, few carry out an all-round and systematic theoretical analysis, and many manufactures calculate the wall temperature popularly according to the old standard method about the heat calculation of the Soviet Union, this method is suitable for the last boiler unit of small capacity and low parameter, but as to large-capacity and high parameter power station boilers today, it will bring some problems inescapably. At the same time,according to the causes of the thermal deviation, the measures or schemes to decrease the thermal deviation have been put forward.
This dissertation puts the calculation patterns established into practical use, taking the thermal condition of the 330MW subcritical pressure concurrent boiler of the Jilin Jiangnan Power Plant as an example, and gives a profound analysis on the main causes of the thermal deviation. The calculation results of the thermal deviation prove it appropriate that the calculation method is taken, for the results can accord with the factual thermal deviation condition. So this dissertation can provide a certain reference value and practical direction for the optimum design of the heat-exchanger surface and the accident analysis.
Key words: Boiler;Superheater;Thermal deviation;Wall temperature;Overheating and tube rupture
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究成果和发展动态 2
1.3 课题研究的内容与方法 3
第2章 过热器系统的热偏差理论分析 1
2.1 概述 4
2.2 过热器热偏差概念叙述 4
2.3 烟气侧热偏差的原因 5
2.4 蒸汽侧流量偏差原因 8
第3章 过热器热偏差基本计算方法 11
3.1 概述 11
3.2 热负荷不均系数计算 11
3.3热偏差计算相关参数的确定 14
3.4 并联管组流量偏差计算 17
3.5 热偏差系数计算 22
3.6 金属壁温计算 23
3.7 实例锅炉介绍 25
3.8 实例应用计算结果 26
第4章 减小热偏差的措施 29
4.1减小烟温偏差的措施 29
4.2 减少蒸汽侧偏差的措施 32
结 论 32
致 谢 33
参考文献 36