我国企业跨国投资风险研究_毕业论文, (国际经济与贸易专业论文)摘要 伴随着经济全球化步伐的加快,国与国之间的经济竞争越发激烈,而跨国投资领域也将逐渐演化为经济竞争的主战场。然而,由于各国间存在着语言、文化、经济发展水平、政治环境等诸多不同之处,所以企业的跨国投资是存在较大风险的,这种风险具有客观性、共存性、多样性和...

此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
我国企业跨国投资风险研究_毕业论文 (国际经济与贸易专业论文)
关键词: 跨国公司 投资风险 风险管理 风险防范
With the acceleration of economic globalization,the inter-state economic competition heats up,and in the field of cross-border investment will gradually evolve into the main battlefield of economic competitiveness.However, as there are among language,culture,level of economic development,political and other differences translational investment is quite the risk,the risk that objective,the co-existence diversity and complexity, and so on.For translational investment enterprises,translational investment project risk identification and control on great significance.
The thesis is around this theme of translational investment of enterprise of our country.The thesis is divided into three parts:
Chapter one introduce the research background,and thus lists the relevant translational investment theory between domestic and foreign
Chapter two is about the current situation of our country enterprise translational investment and then mentioned the multinational investment in the problem.
Chapter three give the detailed analysis of chinaˊs enterprise multinational investment to all kinds of risk. As multinational investment for domestic investment is more complex and changeable, so the risks of present diversity, basically have political risk, foreign exchange risk, management risk and risk management.
In the fourth chapter, risk control is to create value, translational investment and risk management will improve to strategy height, set up the risk management of the global strategic thinking and realize the risk management strategy .This part lists many countermeasures to implement the risk management strategy through recognizing and eva luating and preventing the translational investment risk so as to give some advice for our enterprise in managing translational investment risk.
Our country enterprise will meet more complicated risk in Foreign Investment than in domestic investment.According to this fact and the investment practice of our enterprises,this text sets out a new division on translational investment risk.In managing translational investment risk,this text draws lessons from the thought of strategy management and puts forward the risk management strategy. The above is also the creative parts of the text.I hope this text may do some help in multinational operating of our enterprises and also in implementing the strategy of “going out'’ 。
Key words: Translational investment Risk of investment Risk management Risk prevention
关键词: 跨国公司 投资风险 风险管理 风险防范
With the acceleration of economic globalization,the inter-state economic competition heats up,and in the field of cross-border investment will gradually evolve into the main battlefield of economic competitiveness.However, as there are among language,culture,level of economic development,political and other differences translational investment is quite the risk,the risk that objective,the co-existence diversity and complexity, and so on.For translational investment enterprises,translational investment project risk identification and control on great significance.
The thesis is around this theme of translational investment of enterprise of our country.The thesis is divided into three parts:
Chapter one introduce the research background,and thus lists the relevant translational investment theory between domestic and foreign
Chapter two is about the current situation of our country enterprise translational investment and then mentioned the multinational investment in the problem.
Chapter three give the detailed analysis of chinaˊs enterprise multinational investment to all kinds of risk. As multinational investment for domestic investment is more complex and changeable, so the risks of present diversity, basically have political risk, foreign exchange risk, management risk and risk management.
In the fourth chapter, risk control is to create value, translational investment and risk management will improve to strategy height, set up the risk management of the global strategic thinking and realize the risk management strategy .This part lists many countermeasures to implement the risk management strategy through recognizing and eva luating and preventing the translational investment risk so as to give some advice for our enterprise in managing translational investment risk.
Our country enterprise will meet more complicated risk in Foreign Investment than in domestic investment.According to this fact and the investment practice of our enterprises,this text sets out a new division on translational investment risk.In managing translational investment risk,this text draws lessons from the thought of strategy management and puts forward the risk management strategy. The above is also the creative parts of the text.I hope this text may do some help in multinational operating of our enterprises and also in implementing the strategy of “going out'’ 。
Key words: Translational investment Risk of investment Risk management Risk prevention
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