湖北宜昌某公路新建工程设计_毕业论文, (交通工程毕业设计说明书)摘要 本设计主要完成了湖北省宜昌某地区新建二级公路的设计,根据给定的资料,通过对原始数据的分析,以及该路段的地质、地形、地物、水文等自然条件,依据《公路工程技术标准》、《公路路线设计规范》等交通部颁发的相关技术指标,设计了以路线、路基、路面,以及涵洞、...
此文档由会员 莎士比亚 发布
湖北宜昌某公路新建工程设计_毕业论文 (交通工程毕业设计说明书)
摘 要
The design is mainly carried out in an area of Yichang new secondary road design, according to the information given by the analysis of the raw data, as well as the section of the geology, topography, terrain, hydrology and other natural conditions, according to the "Highway Engineering technical standards "," highway route design "issued by the Ministry and other traffic-related technical indicators, designed to route, roadbed, road and culvert, earthwork allocation, subgrade drainage protection, traffic safety facilities and other content-based way.
Vision will route traffic based on a design speed of design 60km / h lane two-way roads, the route length of 3666.11 meters, roadbed width of 10 meters, a total of five horizontal curve, five vertical curve.
Section of the route, including plan, profile and cross-sectional design. First carried out on paper alignment and correction-oriented line drawing, by comparison to determine the optimal solution; Secondly, according to plane combines local topography, climate, environmental factors were longitudinal design; finally selected 1km conduct cross-sectional design and draw cross-sectional diagram, calculate the earthwork. Subgrade superelevation and widening considered in the design calculations and design for the drainage protection. According to the traffic composition and trends combined with the local situation of road pavement structure building design, after comprehensive consideration on the full range of protection and drainage works to determine the structure and size, type, location, culvert along a preliminary structural design, and basic traffic safety facilities . Highway Engineering design considering the construction of a preliminary estimate, cost a total amount of 4,056,408 yuan.
Route calculated entire design flat, vertical and horizontal elements, the design of roadbed, road, small bridges and culverts, etc., thus the successful completion of Ganzhou, Jiangxi preliminary design of a new secondary road.
Key words: New secondary road; route design; roadbed design; pavement design; drainage design; Highway Engineering
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 I
第一章 概述 1
1.1任务根据(公路建设设计意义) 1
1.1.1公路建设的设计依据 1
1.1.2公路建设的意义 1
1.2区域概况 1
1.2.1气候特点 1
1.2.2降水量及水文地质 2
1.2.3地形与地貌 2
1.2.4地质与土质 3
1.3道路等级和主要技术指标的论证及确定 4
1.3.1设计原始资料 4
1.3.2确定公路等级 4
1.1.3主要技术指标 5
第二章 路线平面设计 9
2.1选线原则与要点 9
2.1.1选线原则 9
2.1.2山岭区选线要点 9
2.2路线平面设计 10
2.2.1设计原则 10
2.2.2选线具体步骤 10
2.2.3路线方案拟定与比选 11
2.2.4平面线形确定与计算 12
2.3路线纵断面设计 15
2.3.1设计原则 16
2.3.2平纵组合设计 16
2.3.3纵坡设计的步骤 17
2.3.4技术指标 17
2.3.5竖曲线设计 18
2.4路线横断面设计 20
2.4.1横断面设计原则 21
2.4.2横断面布置 21
2.4.3路拱横坡 22
2.4.4路堤和路堑边坡坡度的确定 22
2.4.5加宽值的计算 22
2.4.6超高的确定 23
第三章 路基设计 31
3.1一般路基设计 31
3.1.1一般规定 31
3.1.2路基断面形式 31
3.1.3路基填土与压实 32
3.2路床处理 34
3.1.1一般路床 34
3.3 路基防护 34
3.4土石方的计算与调配 35
3.4.1路基土石方调配的计算 35
3.4.2路基土石方调配 36
第四章 路面设计 38
4.1路面设计原则 38
4.1.1路面设计一般原则 38
4.1.2 路面类型确定及基本原则 38
4.2路面结构及层次划分 39
4.3路面结构设计 40
4.3.1基本资料 40
4.3.2轴载换算、设计弯沉值和容许拉应力计算 40
4.3.3新建路面结构厚度计算 41
4.3.4竣工验收弯沉值和层底拉应力计算 43
第五章 涵洞及路线交叉 45
5.1涵洞 45
摘 要
The design is mainly carried out in an area of Yichang new secondary road design, according to the information given by the analysis of the raw data, as well as the section of the geology, topography, terrain, hydrology and other natural conditions, according to the "Highway Engineering technical standards "," highway route design "issued by the Ministry and other traffic-related technical indicators, designed to route, roadbed, road and culvert, earthwork allocation, subgrade drainage protection, traffic safety facilities and other content-based way.
Vision will route traffic based on a design speed of design 60km / h lane two-way roads, the route length of 3666.11 meters, roadbed width of 10 meters, a total of five horizontal curve, five vertical curve.
Section of the route, including plan, profile and cross-sectional design. First carried out on paper alignment and correction-oriented line drawing, by comparison to determine the optimal solution; Secondly, according to plane combines local topography, climate, environmental factors were longitudinal design; finally selected 1km conduct cross-sectional design and draw cross-sectional diagram, calculate the earthwork. Subgrade superelevation and widening considered in the design calculations and design for the drainage protection. According to the traffic composition and trends combined with the local situation of road pavement structure building design, after comprehensive consideration on the full range of protection and drainage works to determine the structure and size, type, location, culvert along a preliminary structural design, and basic traffic safety facilities . Highway Engineering design considering the construction of a preliminary estimate, cost a total amount of 4,056,408 yuan.
Route calculated entire design flat, vertical and horizontal elements, the design of roadbed, road, small bridges and culverts, etc., thus the successful completion of Ganzhou, Jiangxi preliminary design of a new secondary road.
Key words: New secondary road; route design; roadbed design; pavement design; drainage design; Highway Engineering
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 I
第一章 概述 1
1.1任务根据(公路建设设计意义) 1
1.1.1公路建设的设计依据 1
1.1.2公路建设的意义 1
1.2区域概况 1
1.2.1气候特点 1
1.2.2降水量及水文地质 2
1.2.3地形与地貌 2
1.2.4地质与土质 3
1.3道路等级和主要技术指标的论证及确定 4
1.3.1设计原始资料 4
1.3.2确定公路等级 4
1.1.3主要技术指标 5
第二章 路线平面设计 9
2.1选线原则与要点 9
2.1.1选线原则 9
2.1.2山岭区选线要点 9
2.2路线平面设计 10
2.2.1设计原则 10
2.2.2选线具体步骤 10
2.2.3路线方案拟定与比选 11
2.2.4平面线形确定与计算 12
2.3路线纵断面设计 15
2.3.1设计原则 16
2.3.2平纵组合设计 16
2.3.3纵坡设计的步骤 17
2.3.4技术指标 17
2.3.5竖曲线设计 18
2.4路线横断面设计 20
2.4.1横断面设计原则 21
2.4.2横断面布置 21
2.4.3路拱横坡 22
2.4.4路堤和路堑边坡坡度的确定 22
2.4.5加宽值的计算 22
2.4.6超高的确定 23
第三章 路基设计 31
3.1一般路基设计 31
3.1.1一般规定 31
3.1.2路基断面形式 31
3.1.3路基填土与压实 32
3.2路床处理 34
3.1.1一般路床 34
3.3 路基防护 34
3.4土石方的计算与调配 35
3.4.1路基土石方调配的计算 35
3.4.2路基土石方调配 36
第四章 路面设计 38
4.1路面设计原则 38
4.1.1路面设计一般原则 38
4.1.2 路面类型确定及基本原则 38
4.2路面结构及层次划分 39
4.3路面结构设计 40
4.3.1基本资料 40
4.3.2轴载换算、设计弯沉值和容许拉应力计算 40
4.3.3新建路面结构厚度计算 41
4.3.4竣工验收弯沉值和层底拉应力计算 43
第五章 涵洞及路线交叉 45
5.1涵洞 45