
原文档由会员 优秀排骨 发布
摘 要
Bucket Wheel Stacker and feeder is a highly efficient for handling equipment, is widely used in thermal power plants, port, iron and steel metallurgy, mining, cement building materials, chemicals, coal and coke plant, and other raw materials storage and transportation field, can be realized coal, ore , Chemical raw materials and other bulk material from the reactor, transit, handling of the continuum.
Belt conveying systems is expected bucket Stacker and an important link in the machine, in other areas also widely used. Modern belt conveyor is an important material for transport equipment, is no reason for the movement of mechanical conveyor belt transporting goods, with the belt conveyor belt as a conveyor belt known as the conveyor belt, or tape machines. It is simple in structure, low cost, long distance transport, high efficiency advantages. Its mainly used for metallurgical, mining, coal, power plants, ports and industrial enterprises. It is China's handling of the mining mechanization and modernization of increasing the contribution.
This paper presents a bucket Stacker and feeder in the transport belt machine. First of all, the work on the belt conveyor characteristics, Development, principle, classification and secondly, the friction on the tape drive principle; Finally, the working conditions under their belt conveyors, including the transmission of the slowdown Is part of a detailed design and design calculations, the simple analysis of the belt material deviation and spread the causes and solutions, has introduced several other forms of belt machine.
Key words: belt conveyors: Belt conveying systems ;Development survey; reduction gear
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1斗轮堆取料机 1
1.2斗轮堆取料机尾车 3
1.2.1固定式单尾车 3
1.2.2钢绳卷扬驱动的活动式单尾车 4
1.2.3后部铰轴俯仰液压驱动活动单尾车 5
1.2.4中部铰轴俯仰液压驱动活动单尾车 5
1.2.5伸缩升降式双尾车 5
1.2.6 钢绳卷扬驱动双尾车 6
1.2.7液压驱动双尾车 7
1.2.8 固定叉式漏斗双尾车 7
1.2.9尾车机构的选择 8
1.3带式输送机的特点 8
1.4带式输送机的工作原理和分类 8
1.4.1带式输送机的工作原理 8
1.4.2带式输送机的分类 11
1.5带式输送机的摩擦传动原理 13
1.5.1胶带的摩擦传动原理 13
1.5.2传动装置的牵引力 15
1.6带式输送机的现状与发展趋势 15
1.6.1国外带式输送机技术的现状 15
1.6.2. 国内带式输送机技术的现状 16
1.6.3 国内外带式输送机技术的差距 17
1.6.4 煤矿带式输送机技术的发展趋势 19
2 带式输送机的参数设计计算 19
2.1带速的确定 20
2.2核算输送能力 20
2.3根据原煤粒度核算输送机带宽 20
2.4圆周驱动力的确定 20
2.5输送带的选型 23
2.6输送带的张力计算 23
2.6.1输送带不打滑条件校核 23
2.6.2输送带下垂度校核 24
2.6.3各特性点张力计算 24
2.6.4确定传动滚筒合张力 25
2.7输送带的强度校核 26
2.8拉紧行程的计算 26
2.9各部件选型 26
3 减速器的计算 27
3.1电动机选型 27
3.2传动比分配 27
3.3计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 28
3.4齿轮的设计及校核计算 29
3.4.1第一对齿轮的设计 29
3.4.2 第二对齿轮的设计 34
3.4.3 第三对齿轮的设计 37
3.5传动轴的设计 40
3.5.1Ⅰ轴的设计 40
3.5.2Ⅱ轴的设计 44
3.5.3 Ⅲ轴的设计 48
3.5.4 Ⅳ轴的设计 52
3.5.4键的强度校核 55
3.5.5轴承的校核 56
3.6减速器箱体的结构设计 59
3.7 轴系部件的结构设计 61
3.8 减速器的附件 61
3.8.1 检查孔与检查孔盖的设计 61
3.8.2 油标指示器 62
3.8.3 定位销 63
3.8.4 启盖螺钉 63
4 带式输送机的操作、维护和安装 64
4.1启动和停机 64
4.2带式输送视的维护 64
4.3皮带打滑的解决办法 67
4.3.1重锤张紧皮带运输机皮带的打滑 67
4.3.2螺旋张紧或液压张紧皮带机的打滑 68
4.3.3其它 68
4.4皮带运输机皮带跑偏的调整 68
4.4.1 调整承载托辊组 68
4.4.2安装调心托辊组 69
4.4.3调整驱动滚筒与改向滚筒位置 69
4.4.4张紧处的调整 69
4.4.5 转载点处落料位置对..
摘 要
Bucket Wheel Stacker and feeder is a highly efficient for handling equipment, is widely used in thermal power plants, port, iron and steel metallurgy, mining, cement building materials, chemicals, coal and coke plant, and other raw materials storage and transportation field, can be realized coal, ore , Chemical raw materials and other bulk material from the reactor, transit, handling of the continuum.
Belt conveying systems is expected bucket Stacker and an important link in the machine, in other areas also widely used. Modern belt conveyor is an important material for transport equipment, is no reason for the movement of mechanical conveyor belt transporting goods, with the belt conveyor belt as a conveyor belt known as the conveyor belt, or tape machines. It is simple in structure, low cost, long distance transport, high efficiency advantages. Its mainly used for metallurgical, mining, coal, power plants, ports and industrial enterprises. It is China's handling of the mining mechanization and modernization of increasing the contribution.
This paper presents a bucket Stacker and feeder in the transport belt machine. First of all, the work on the belt conveyor characteristics, Development, principle, classification and secondly, the friction on the tape drive principle; Finally, the working conditions under their belt conveyors, including the transmission of the slowdown Is part of a detailed design and design calculations, the simple analysis of the belt material deviation and spread the causes and solutions, has introduced several other forms of belt machine.
Key words: belt conveyors: Belt conveying systems ;Development survey; reduction gear
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1斗轮堆取料机 1
1.2斗轮堆取料机尾车 3
1.2.1固定式单尾车 3
1.2.2钢绳卷扬驱动的活动式单尾车 4
1.2.3后部铰轴俯仰液压驱动活动单尾车 5
1.2.4中部铰轴俯仰液压驱动活动单尾车 5
1.2.5伸缩升降式双尾车 5
1.2.6 钢绳卷扬驱动双尾车 6
1.2.7液压驱动双尾车 7
1.2.8 固定叉式漏斗双尾车 7
1.2.9尾车机构的选择 8
1.3带式输送机的特点 8
1.4带式输送机的工作原理和分类 8
1.4.1带式输送机的工作原理 8
1.4.2带式输送机的分类 11
1.5带式输送机的摩擦传动原理 13
1.5.1胶带的摩擦传动原理 13
1.5.2传动装置的牵引力 15
1.6带式输送机的现状与发展趋势 15
1.6.1国外带式输送机技术的现状 15
1.6.2. 国内带式输送机技术的现状 16
1.6.3 国内外带式输送机技术的差距 17
1.6.4 煤矿带式输送机技术的发展趋势 19
2 带式输送机的参数设计计算 19
2.1带速的确定 20
2.2核算输送能力 20
2.3根据原煤粒度核算输送机带宽 20
2.4圆周驱动力的确定 20
2.5输送带的选型 23
2.6输送带的张力计算 23
2.6.1输送带不打滑条件校核 23
2.6.2输送带下垂度校核 24
2.6.3各特性点张力计算 24
2.6.4确定传动滚筒合张力 25
2.7输送带的强度校核 26
2.8拉紧行程的计算 26
2.9各部件选型 26
3 减速器的计算 27
3.1电动机选型 27
3.2传动比分配 27
3.3计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 28
3.4齿轮的设计及校核计算 29
3.4.1第一对齿轮的设计 29
3.4.2 第二对齿轮的设计 34
3.4.3 第三对齿轮的设计 37
3.5传动轴的设计 40
3.5.1Ⅰ轴的设计 40
3.5.2Ⅱ轴的设计 44
3.5.3 Ⅲ轴的设计 48
3.5.4 Ⅳ轴的设计 52
3.5.4键的强度校核 55
3.5.5轴承的校核 56
3.6减速器箱体的结构设计 59
3.7 轴系部件的结构设计 61
3.8 减速器的附件 61
3.8.1 检查孔与检查孔盖的设计 61
3.8.2 油标指示器 62
3.8.3 定位销 63
3.8.4 启盖螺钉 63
4 带式输送机的操作、维护和安装 64
4.1启动和停机 64
4.2带式输送视的维护 64
4.3皮带打滑的解决办法 67
4.3.1重锤张紧皮带运输机皮带的打滑 67
4.3.2螺旋张紧或液压张紧皮带机的打滑 68
4.3.3其它 68
4.4皮带运输机皮带跑偏的调整 68
4.4.1 调整承载托辊组 68
4.4.2安装调心托辊组 69
4.4.3调整驱动滚筒与改向滚筒位置 69
4.4.4张紧处的调整 69
4.4.5 转载点处落料位置对..