高等数学网上作业系统的研制,页数 33 字数 20151摘要随着网络技术的迅猛发展,在线操作在现代教育技术领域中的应用日益广泛,并越来越显示出传统教育方式所无法比拟的优越性。相比传统的作业方式,网上作业系统的主要好处是一方面可以动态的管理各种作业信息,只要准备足够大的题库,就可以按照要求自动生成各科目作业;另一方面,作业...

此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布
页数 33 字数 20151
Along with the swift and violent development of networks technique, the operation on-line is increasingly extensive in the realm of the modern education application, and display the superiority that the tradition education method can’t compare more and more.
Compare to the traditional homework mode, one of the advantages is that on one hand you could manage the all homework information on your purpose, the system could create homeworks of each subject automatic as long as you have prepared a database large enough; on the other hand, students will able to finish homeworks in their’s discretional time. In addition, the most obvious characteristic of homework on-line is that you can get your score as soon as you finish your homework, with decreasing the mistakes made by the teachers subjectively.
This system can meet the needs of modern info-campus on the whole. It can sovle the problems that many teachers have no time to assign and read homeworks due to busying with theirs’ task. For example, a teacher in a college that have configured this system would be able to assign homeworks for students easily through internet even when he is going on errands or is busying with his own tasks, what’s more there is no a large mount of readings after students’ finishing homewoek.
Key words: homework on-line system, information,assigning homework
[1] 李劲,精通ASP数据库程序设计,科学出版社,2001。
[2] 吴明辉,胡煜,窦亮,ASP网络办公及商务应用系统开发实例导航,人民邮电出版社,2003。
[3] 宋颜浩,费文华,ASP与相关数据库技术高级指南,中国水利水电出版社,2002。
[4] 位元文化,CSS/HTML网页设计,中国铁道出版社,2002.
[5] 李非等, Power Point 课件制作,中国水利出版社,2002。
页数 33 字数 20151
Along with the swift and violent development of networks technique, the operation on-line is increasingly extensive in the realm of the modern education application, and display the superiority that the tradition education method can’t compare more and more.
Compare to the traditional homework mode, one of the advantages is that on one hand you could manage the all homework information on your purpose, the system could create homeworks of each subject automatic as long as you have prepared a database large enough; on the other hand, students will able to finish homeworks in their’s discretional time. In addition, the most obvious characteristic of homework on-line is that you can get your score as soon as you finish your homework, with decreasing the mistakes made by the teachers subjectively.
This system can meet the needs of modern info-campus on the whole. It can sovle the problems that many teachers have no time to assign and read homeworks due to busying with theirs’ task. For example, a teacher in a college that have configured this system would be able to assign homeworks for students easily through internet even when he is going on errands or is busying with his own tasks, what’s more there is no a large mount of readings after students’ finishing homewoek.
Key words: homework on-line system, information,assigning homework
[1] 李劲,精通ASP数据库程序设计,科学出版社,2001。
[2] 吴明辉,胡煜,窦亮,ASP网络办公及商务应用系统开发实例导航,人民邮电出版社,2003。
[3] 宋颜浩,费文华,ASP与相关数据库技术高级指南,中国水利水电出版社,2002。
[4] 位元文化,CSS/HTML网页设计,中国铁道出版社,2002.
[5] 李非等, Power Point 课件制作,中国水利出版社,2002。