
原文档由会员 优秀排骨 发布
对普通车床数控化改造经济性评价详细论证,确定普通车床数控化改造方案;对进给系统的滚珠丝杠型号选择与装配设计,支承方式的设计与轴承型号的选择,步进电机的选择等进行详细研究; 对常用进口数控装置系统和国产数控装置系统进行仔细比较,根据所改造的性能和精度指标来选择数控装置系统和自动刀架型号; 给出普通车床数控化改造的安装及调试方法。
关键词:普通车床; 数控改造; 伺服系统; 数控系统
The transformation and design of the economic CNC lathe ABSTRACT
The survey found that most enterprises of china still have large amounts general-purpose machine tools which have longevity of service, low precision, can not adapt to mass production , low automatization and adaptability ,but can not be washed out because of its low cost and continuity of enterprise's production
Purchasing new numerically controlled machines is an important way to improve production precision and efficiency, but it may not come true to many enterprises because it cost much. Enterprise's equipment updating step are counteracted severly. So General lathe's numerically controlled reforming is a quick way that costs less, improve production precision and efficiency, and it can improve enterprises' competitive power. So it can takes its place in our way to a powerful manufacturing country.
The economical efficiency of the reform and the application of NC technology in General purpose lathe CA6132's numerically controlled reforming is researched in this paper according to our practice of CA6132's numerically controlled reforming. And the reforming scheme and main points are formed. The main contents is:
The economical efficiency of the reform is eva luated in detail and the rerorming scheme is maked according to misty optimum's synthesize adjudicate principle.The ball screw's type, assembling, supporting, bearing type, and stepping motor of feeding system is designed.he import and domestic NC systems were compared carefully, brought up a choose method and selected the NC system and automatic tool rest according to the function. Methods of installing and testing of general purpose lathe's numerically controlled reforming were put forward. KEY WORDS: General purpose lathe; NC reform ; Servo system ; CNC system
摘要 2
第一章 前言 5
1.1 课题背景 5
1.2 机床改造的内容及意义 6
1.2.1 研究意义 6
1.2.2 主要研究内容及技术路线 7
1.3 机床的经济型数控化改造主要解决的问题 7
第二章 CA6132普通数控车床改造设计要求 7
2.1 总体方案设计及要求 7
2.2 设计参数 8
第三章 车床进给系统的改造设计 10
3.1纵向(Z向)进给系统的设计及计算 11
3.1 . 1切削力计算和主传动电机功率校核 11
3.1.2 Z向滚珠丝杠设计计算 13
3.1.3 Z向步进电动机的选择及计算 17
3.1.4纵向(Z向)进给系统的轴承设计计算 19
3.1.5.纵向凸缘联轴器的选择 21
3.1.6. 纵向联轴器上键的选择 22
3.2横向(X向)进给系统的设计及计算 22
3.2.1计算X向滚珠丝杠轴向力Q 23
3.2.2 X向滚珠丝杠设计计算 23
3.2.3 X向步进电动机的选择及计算 27
3.2.4横向(x向)进给系统的轴承设计计算 30
3.2.5 横向凸缘联轴器的选择 31
3.2.6 横向联轴器上键的选择 32
3.3 非标准零件的设计选择 32
3.3.1轴承盖的设计 32
3.4 进给系统的装配图的绘制 33
第四章 自动回转刀架的设计选型 34
4.1数控车床刀架的基本要求 34
4.2数控车床刀架的选型 34
4. 3自动回转刀架的工作原理 35
第五章 CA6132车床数控化改造的数控系统 35
5.1数控系统概述 35
5.2 CA6132车床数控化改造的数控装置系统的选择 36
5.3 脉冲发生器 39
5.4 CA6132车床数控化改造的数控系统功能 40
第六章 经济型数控车床的安装与调试 42
结 论 43
对普通车床数控化改造经济性评价详细论证,确定普通车床数控化改造方案;对进给系统的滚珠丝杠型号选择与装配设计,支承方式的设计与轴承型号的选择,步进电机的选择等进行详细研究; 对常用进口数控装置系统和国产数控装置系统进行仔细比较,根据所改造的性能和精度指标来选择数控装置系统和自动刀架型号; 给出普通车床数控化改造的安装及调试方法。
关键词:普通车床; 数控改造; 伺服系统; 数控系统
The transformation and design of the economic CNC lathe ABSTRACT
The survey found that most enterprises of china still have large amounts general-purpose machine tools which have longevity of service, low precision, can not adapt to mass production , low automatization and adaptability ,but can not be washed out because of its low cost and continuity of enterprise's production
Purchasing new numerically controlled machines is an important way to improve production precision and efficiency, but it may not come true to many enterprises because it cost much. Enterprise's equipment updating step are counteracted severly. So General lathe's numerically controlled reforming is a quick way that costs less, improve production precision and efficiency, and it can improve enterprises' competitive power. So it can takes its place in our way to a powerful manufacturing country.
The economical efficiency of the reform and the application of NC technology in General purpose lathe CA6132's numerically controlled reforming is researched in this paper according to our practice of CA6132's numerically controlled reforming. And the reforming scheme and main points are formed. The main contents is:
The economical efficiency of the reform is eva luated in detail and the rerorming scheme is maked according to misty optimum's synthesize adjudicate principle.The ball screw's type, assembling, supporting, bearing type, and stepping motor of feeding system is designed.he import and domestic NC systems were compared carefully, brought up a choose method and selected the NC system and automatic tool rest according to the function. Methods of installing and testing of general purpose lathe's numerically controlled reforming were put forward. KEY WORDS: General purpose lathe; NC reform ; Servo system ; CNC system
摘要 2
第一章 前言 5
1.1 课题背景 5
1.2 机床改造的内容及意义 6
1.2.1 研究意义 6
1.2.2 主要研究内容及技术路线 7
1.3 机床的经济型数控化改造主要解决的问题 7
第二章 CA6132普通数控车床改造设计要求 7
2.1 总体方案设计及要求 7
2.2 设计参数 8
第三章 车床进给系统的改造设计 10
3.1纵向(Z向)进给系统的设计及计算 11
3.1 . 1切削力计算和主传动电机功率校核 11
3.1.2 Z向滚珠丝杠设计计算 13
3.1.3 Z向步进电动机的选择及计算 17
3.1.4纵向(Z向)进给系统的轴承设计计算 19
3.1.5.纵向凸缘联轴器的选择 21
3.1.6. 纵向联轴器上键的选择 22
3.2横向(X向)进给系统的设计及计算 22
3.2.1计算X向滚珠丝杠轴向力Q 23
3.2.2 X向滚珠丝杠设计计算 23
3.2.3 X向步进电动机的选择及计算 27
3.2.4横向(x向)进给系统的轴承设计计算 30
3.2.5 横向凸缘联轴器的选择 31
3.2.6 横向联轴器上键的选择 32
3.3 非标准零件的设计选择 32
3.3.1轴承盖的设计 32
3.4 进给系统的装配图的绘制 33
第四章 自动回转刀架的设计选型 34
4.1数控车床刀架的基本要求 34
4.2数控车床刀架的选型 34
4. 3自动回转刀架的工作原理 35
第五章 CA6132车床数控化改造的数控系统 35
5.1数控系统概述 35
5.2 CA6132车床数控化改造的数控装置系统的选择 36
5.3 脉冲发生器 39
5.4 CA6132车床数控化改造的数控系统功能 40
第六章 经济型数控车床的安装与调试 42
结 论 43