intranet的安装与配置,intranet的安装与配置页数 42 字数 20515摘要随着internet的流行,怎样使一个企业内部也具有internet的各种功能?这就是我们所要研究的intranet。什么是intranet?就是把internet技术应用于单位内部的信息管理和交换平台。它基于tcp/ip协议和web技术规范,通过简单的浏览器...

此文档由会员 棉花糖糖 发布
页数 42 字数 20515
Along with the Internet fad, how make a business enterprise inner part have the Internet every kind of function too?This be our Intranet for wanting the research.
What is an Intranet, and is to apply the Internet technique in the information of inner part unit to manage with exchange the terrace. It according to TCP/ IP agreement is with the Web technique norm, pass the simple browser interface, customer to only need on the interested in text word with the sketch the single shot is once, and can then visit various different informations of inner part and exteriors with the resources.More attractive is, pass the browser can expediently gather the every variety is already some system, if the E- mail, document deliver, the electronics announce with the news set, database the for searching, full text inspecting, can seeing the meeting and new generation base onning Web make the groupware system. it is an open, distribute, the dynamic double face the multi-media the information the exchanges the environment, and reorganization current network terrace, apply technique and information resources and gather.
目 录
第1章 绪论
第2章 Intranet的特点
2.1 为什么要建设Intranet
2.2 Intranet问题
2.3 Internet/Intranet的区别
第3章 基本配置与应用环境
3.1 Intranet的硬件与软件需求
3.2 Intranet 的机房环境
第4章 Intranet的安装与建设
4.1 系统的安装
4.2 协议的安装
4.3 DNS的配置
4.4 Web网站的架设
第5章 Intranet 的网络探讨
5.1 Intranet接入Internet的技术要点
5.2 Intranet的安全基础探讨
第6章 毕业设计体会
1. 王群,刘晓辉《Intranet配置与应用技术详解》人民邮出版社2001
2. 谢希仁 《计算机网络》(第二版)电子工业出版社1999
3. 康春荣,苏武荣《Internet网站建设实务手册》中国水利出版社2000
4. 李劲《Windows 2000 Server企业架站手册》中国青年出版社2001
5. 李劲《Windows 2000 Server网络管理手册》中国青年出版社2001
页数 42 字数 20515
Along with the Internet fad, how make a business enterprise inner part have the Internet every kind of function too?This be our Intranet for wanting the research.
What is an Intranet, and is to apply the Internet technique in the information of inner part unit to manage with exchange the terrace. It according to TCP/ IP agreement is with the Web technique norm, pass the simple browser interface, customer to only need on the interested in text word with the sketch the single shot is once, and can then visit various different informations of inner part and exteriors with the resources.More attractive is, pass the browser can expediently gather the every variety is already some system, if the E- mail, document deliver, the electronics announce with the news set, database the for searching, full text inspecting, can seeing the meeting and new generation base onning Web make the groupware system. it is an open, distribute, the dynamic double face the multi-media the information the exchanges the environment, and reorganization current network terrace, apply technique and information resources and gather.
目 录
第1章 绪论
第2章 Intranet的特点
2.1 为什么要建设Intranet
2.2 Intranet问题
2.3 Internet/Intranet的区别
第3章 基本配置与应用环境
3.1 Intranet的硬件与软件需求
3.2 Intranet 的机房环境
第4章 Intranet的安装与建设
4.1 系统的安装
4.2 协议的安装
4.3 DNS的配置
4.4 Web网站的架设
第5章 Intranet 的网络探讨
5.1 Intranet接入Internet的技术要点
5.2 Intranet的安全基础探讨
第6章 毕业设计体会
1. 王群,刘晓辉《Intranet配置与应用技术详解》人民邮出版社2001
2. 谢希仁 《计算机网络》(第二版)电子工业出版社1999
3. 康春荣,苏武荣《Internet网站建设实务手册》中国水利出版社2000
4. 李劲《Windows 2000 Server企业架站手册》中国青年出版社2001
5. 李劲《Windows 2000 Server网络管理手册》中国青年出版社2001