

基于web挖掘的自适应网站研究,基于web挖掘的自适应网站研究页数 43字数 25332 摘要:web使用挖掘就是从服务器日志文件和客户交易数据中挖掘有意义的用户访问模式和潜在的客户群,使企业能够提供个性化信息服务和开展有针对性的电子商务活动。随着越来越多的业务在互联网上开展,用户使用web的规律成了各企业共同关注的一大热点。因此,采用web挖掘智能...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布


页数 43 字数 25332


关键词 :Web使用挖掘,电子商务,自适应

It is important for the modern enterprises to have the ability of discovering useful user access pattern and corresponding potential customers from large volume of use access logs, so that they can provide personal information service and make
their electronic commerce strategies. With more and more business spread in Internet, enterprise consentrate on the principle of access pattern. It become practical significance and a vastitude foreground to abstract useful knowledge, construct adaptive web site,improve efficiency of WWW with web mining intellectively and automatically
Based on the latest researched results, this paper discuss the content , characteristics and processes of web usage mining. In this paper we define adaptive web sites, puts forward the scheme of it based on web usage mining .Mining the user access pattern on the exist web station, forecast web page interested by user, recommand them to user through adding hyperlink of them. so as to change the constrature of the web site. We expatiate such primary question as the goal , rules to design adaptive web site and collection of sourse of data for mining.
we describe the algorithm and processes of user access pattern , and presents a data preprocessing model. In the process of preprocessing,a user identification method based on cookie technology and extending Web Log attributes are adopted. the method can distinguish effectively the multiple users using the same one proxy server .
Key words web mining; electronic commerce; adaptive web sites
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