机械毕业设计论文cad图纸:液压挖掘机设计,毕业设计 液压挖掘机设计论文说明书共60页,字数总计:14572资料简介:a0-回转驱动装置.dwga0-挖掘机总装配图.dwga1-工作装置.dwga2-动臂液压缸.dwga2-后支腿.dwga2-液压系统.dwga3-输出轴.dwga3-行星轮.dwg毕业设计说明书:液压挖掘机设计.doc扉页.doc摘要.doc摘...

原文档由会员 优秀排骨 发布
毕业设计 液压挖掘机设计
摘 要
本次设计的主要参数是给出了斗容量:1m3 .本次主要设计挖掘机的工作装置,回转驱动装置,液压传动原理.
关键词:液压挖掘机; 液压控制; 液压系统; 全回转; 卸载; 铲斗.
This time topic which graduates a design is tire type the liquid press to scoop out machine and other types of the excavation machine compare, the excavation machine of this kind of type contain a lot of advantages, it uses car bedrock.Therefore drive speed to compare with track type, sooner, in addition, it still has good adaptability, can with run about in the downtown, it leads it to adopt a liquid to press to spread to move, this whole machine function which improves excavation machine, make it more dependable, can work on several directions again, and accurate unload, and convenient unload.
The main parameter of this time design is to give bucket capacity:1m3 .This the main design scoop out machine of work device, the turn-over drives device, the liquid presses to spread to move principle.
In the design, I adopted car dish and take in to change a work inside the larger scope, because of build to satisfy a request, upper part's turning set is a whole turn-over type, so it can Be adopting a liquid to press to spread to move control but canning make the whole machine function improve.Scoop out machine with machine type mutually through, the its excavation machine dint raised a lot of, the whole machine quality is about 26 ton, the excavation dint 140 KN, unload height about 4.59 m, the excavation depth 5.089 m, scoop out a radius 9.075 m.
Keyword: the liquid press to scoop out machine; the liquid presses a control; the liquid presses system; whole turn-overs; unload; bucket.
目 录
1 概述……………………………………………………………………………1
1.1 机械发展的特点……………………………………………………… 1
1.2 挖掘机械的类型……………………………………………………… 2
1.3 单斗液压挖掘机的基本组成和工作原理…………………………… 2
1.4 本次设计任务………………………………………………………… 2
2 设计方案………………………………………………………………………3
2.1 工作装置方案设计…………………………………………………… 3
2.1.1 工作装置设计原则………………………………………………… 3
2.1.2 反铲装置的组成及构造特点……………………………………… 3
2.1.3 具体结构方案……………………………………………………… 4
2.2 回转机构方案设计…………………………………………………… 5
2.2.1 对回转机构的基本要求…………………………………………… 5
2.2.2 回转机构的选择…………………………………………………… 5
2.2.3 制动器的选择……………………………………………………… 6
2.3 液压系统方案设计…………………………………………………… 6
2.3.1 单斗液压挖掘机的作业过程包括下列几个间歇动作…………… 6
2.3.2 对液压系统的要求………………………………………………… 6
3 工作装置设计计算………………………………………………………… 7
3.1 尺寸估计……………………………………………………………… 7
3.2 运动分析……………………………………………………………… 8
3.2.1机构自身几何参数………………………………………………… 8
3.2.2 动臂的运动 ……………………………………………………… 8
3.2.3 斗杆的运动…………………………………………………………12
3.2.4 铲斗的运动…………………………………………………………13
3.3 工作装置的设计计算…………………………………………………14
3.3.1 斗形参数选择………………………………………………………14
3.3.2 转斗挖掘阻力计算…………………………………………………14
3.3.3 动臂机构参数的选择………………………………………………15
3.3.4 铲斗机构的参数选择………………………………………………20
3.3.5 铲斗机构载荷分析…………………………………………………21
3.3.6 斗杆机构的参数选择………………………………………………22
3.3.7 动臂液压缸,斗杆液压缸,铲斗液压缸初步设计估算…………24
4 回转装置设计计算………………………………………………………… 25
4.1 滚动轴承式回转支承的选型计算……………………………………25
4.2 回转起动力矩和制动力矩计算………………………………………31
4.3 行星减速器设计………………………………………..
摘 要
本次设计的主要参数是给出了斗容量:1m3 .本次主要设计挖掘机的工作装置,回转驱动装置,液压传动原理.
关键词:液压挖掘机; 液压控制; 液压系统; 全回转; 卸载; 铲斗.
This time topic which graduates a design is tire type the liquid press to scoop out machine and other types of the excavation machine compare, the excavation machine of this kind of type contain a lot of advantages, it uses car bedrock.Therefore drive speed to compare with track type, sooner, in addition, it still has good adaptability, can with run about in the downtown, it leads it to adopt a liquid to press to spread to move, this whole machine function which improves excavation machine, make it more dependable, can work on several directions again, and accurate unload, and convenient unload.
The main parameter of this time design is to give bucket capacity:1m3 .This the main design scoop out machine of work device, the turn-over drives device, the liquid presses to spread to move principle.
In the design, I adopted car dish and take in to change a work inside the larger scope, because of build to satisfy a request, upper part's turning set is a whole turn-over type, so it can Be adopting a liquid to press to spread to move control but canning make the whole machine function improve.Scoop out machine with machine type mutually through, the its excavation machine dint raised a lot of, the whole machine quality is about 26 ton, the excavation dint 140 KN, unload height about 4.59 m, the excavation depth 5.089 m, scoop out a radius 9.075 m.
Keyword: the liquid press to scoop out machine; the liquid presses a control; the liquid presses system; whole turn-overs; unload; bucket.
目 录
1 概述……………………………………………………………………………1
1.1 机械发展的特点……………………………………………………… 1
1.2 挖掘机械的类型……………………………………………………… 2
1.3 单斗液压挖掘机的基本组成和工作原理…………………………… 2
1.4 本次设计任务………………………………………………………… 2
2 设计方案………………………………………………………………………3
2.1 工作装置方案设计…………………………………………………… 3
2.1.1 工作装置设计原则………………………………………………… 3
2.1.2 反铲装置的组成及构造特点……………………………………… 3
2.1.3 具体结构方案……………………………………………………… 4
2.2 回转机构方案设计…………………………………………………… 5
2.2.1 对回转机构的基本要求…………………………………………… 5
2.2.2 回转机构的选择…………………………………………………… 5
2.2.3 制动器的选择……………………………………………………… 6
2.3 液压系统方案设计…………………………………………………… 6
2.3.1 单斗液压挖掘机的作业过程包括下列几个间歇动作…………… 6
2.3.2 对液压系统的要求………………………………………………… 6
3 工作装置设计计算………………………………………………………… 7
3.1 尺寸估计……………………………………………………………… 7
3.2 运动分析……………………………………………………………… 8
3.2.1机构自身几何参数………………………………………………… 8
3.2.2 动臂的运动 ……………………………………………………… 8
3.2.3 斗杆的运动…………………………………………………………12
3.2.4 铲斗的运动…………………………………………………………13
3.3 工作装置的设计计算…………………………………………………14
3.3.1 斗形参数选择………………………………………………………14
3.3.2 转斗挖掘阻力计算…………………………………………………14
3.3.3 动臂机构参数的选择………………………………………………15
3.3.4 铲斗机构的参数选择………………………………………………20
3.3.5 铲斗机构载荷分析…………………………………………………21
3.3.6 斗杆机构的参数选择………………………………………………22
3.3.7 动臂液压缸,斗杆液压缸,铲斗液压缸初步设计估算…………24
4 回转装置设计计算………………………………………………………… 25
4.1 滚动轴承式回转支承的选型计算……………………………………25
4.2 回转起动力矩和制动力矩计算………………………………………31
4.3 行星减速器设计………………………………………..