毕业论文 42crmo机车零件焊接修复及其磁痕分析.zip
毕业论文 42crmo机车零件焊接修复及其磁痕分析,共59页。字数总计:32510摘 要4abstract5第1章绪论61.1 引言61.2 曲轴和连杆的应用和发展61.2.1曲轴61.2.2连杆71.3 tig和堆焊的特点及应用111.3.1 tig特点及应用111.3.2堆焊的特点及应用121.4 现阶段无损检验主要方法131.4.1 无损检测的概述和研究进展131...
原文档由会员 优秀排骨 发布
摘 要 4
Abstract 5
第1章 绪论 6
1.1 引言 6
1.2 曲轴和连杆的应用和发展 6
1.2.1曲轴 6
1.2.2连杆 7
1.3 TIG和堆焊的特点及应用 11
1.3.1 TIG特点及应用 11
1.3.2堆焊的特点及应用 12
1.4 现阶段无损检验主要方法 13
1.4.1 无损检测的概述和研究进展 13
1.无损检测的定义 13
2.无损检测与评价的特点 14
3.无损检测的研究与实践意义 14
1.4.2磁粉检测 15
1.磁粉检测的特点 15
2.磁粉检测的物理基础 15
3.影响铁磁性的主要因素 16
4.磁粉检测的原理以及主要影响因素 17
5.磁痕分析的意义 18
1.5.本课题的研究意义 19
第2章 42CrMo的焊接性能 20
2.1 母材 20
2.1.1 42CrMo钢的化学成分及机械性能 20
2.1.2 42CrMo钢的特征及适用范围 21
2.1.3 40CrMo钢的热处理工艺 22
2.2 42CrMo的焊接性能分析 23
2.2.1 焊接产生的热裂纹 23
2.2.2 焊缝的淬透性和冷裂纹 23
2.3 42CrMo焊接材料的选择 25
2.4 42CrMo的焊接方法 26
2.5 42CrMo的焊接工艺特点 26
2.6 本章小结 27
第3章 焊接过程和焊接结果分析 28
3.1 焊接工艺的制定 28
3.1.1 焊接方法的选择 28
3.1.2 实验设备 28
3.1.3 焊接材料的选择 29
3.1.4 焊接规范 29
3.1.5 焊接前的准备 29
3.1.6 直流反接的特点 30
3.2 焊接过程及焊后无损检测结果 30
3.2.1 焊缝外貌形状 30
3.2.2 焊后处理 30
3.3.3 焊接质量检验 31
3.3.4 渗透检测验证 32
3.4 焊缝的金相组织分析 33
3.4.1 实验材料的制备 33
3.4.2 金相实验制备 33
3.4.3 金相组织分析 34
3.4.4 硬度分析 39
3.5 本章小结 42
第4章 焊后热处理及磁痕处理方法 43
4.1 非相关磁痕的分析 43
4.2 焊后热处理及分析 44
4.2.1 热处理规范 44
4.2.2 热处理后的宏观形貌 44
4.2.2 热处理后的金相组织分析 45
4.2.3 相关的物理分析 49
4.3 本章小结 50
结 论 51
参 考 文 献 53
致 谢 55
附录A 攻读学位期间所发表的学术论文目录 56
摘 要
With the domestic’s economic situation high rapid development,
locomotive have become necessary transport gradually into people's
lives in everyday. So at the domestic market Requirement of Locomotive
Continue to improve require Locomotive manufacturing industries
continue to increase production at present. Provide the Good prospects
for development of Locomotive manufacturing industries. But in the
back of manufacture have many problem of the parts quality. Especially
in the core parts of locomotive parts should be pay more attention to
the quality.
42CrMo have good strength and toughness, hardenability. Temper
brittleness is not obvious. It is hardened and tempered will have a
high limit of fatigue, Anti-shocks and low temperature impact
toughness. It is used in large and important section of machine parts
wildly. For example, it is used for high power internal combustion
engine crankshaft, the link, turbine spindle, impeller and so on. Or
it is used for heat-resistant steel below 500 ℃ as high temperature
Because of the poor weldability in 42CrMo In this paper, the
weldability of this material was analyzed because of the poor
weldability in 42CrMo. We have experiments for H08Mn2SiA welding wire
in the situation of without preheating, and compare the quality of
welding under different welding current. Formulated a plan of heat
hreatment after welded to improve the phenomenon which Heat affected
zone is embrittlement and softening. Analyzed the the problem of
Magnetic particle testing after welding. It indicated that the
magnetic trace was because of heat affected zone have difference
microstructure, the difference microstructure have difference magnetic
permeability. Not because of it have crack in..
摘 要 4
Abstract 5
第1章 绪论 6
1.1 引言 6
1.2 曲轴和连杆的应用和发展 6
1.2.1曲轴 6
1.2.2连杆 7
1.3 TIG和堆焊的特点及应用 11
1.3.1 TIG特点及应用 11
1.3.2堆焊的特点及应用 12
1.4 现阶段无损检验主要方法 13
1.4.1 无损检测的概述和研究进展 13
1.无损检测的定义 13
2.无损检测与评价的特点 14
3.无损检测的研究与实践意义 14
1.4.2磁粉检测 15
1.磁粉检测的特点 15
2.磁粉检测的物理基础 15
3.影响铁磁性的主要因素 16
4.磁粉检测的原理以及主要影响因素 17
5.磁痕分析的意义 18
1.5.本课题的研究意义 19
第2章 42CrMo的焊接性能 20
2.1 母材 20
2.1.1 42CrMo钢的化学成分及机械性能 20
2.1.2 42CrMo钢的特征及适用范围 21
2.1.3 40CrMo钢的热处理工艺 22
2.2 42CrMo的焊接性能分析 23
2.2.1 焊接产生的热裂纹 23
2.2.2 焊缝的淬透性和冷裂纹 23
2.3 42CrMo焊接材料的选择 25
2.4 42CrMo的焊接方法 26
2.5 42CrMo的焊接工艺特点 26
2.6 本章小结 27
第3章 焊接过程和焊接结果分析 28
3.1 焊接工艺的制定 28
3.1.1 焊接方法的选择 28
3.1.2 实验设备 28
3.1.3 焊接材料的选择 29
3.1.4 焊接规范 29
3.1.5 焊接前的准备 29
3.1.6 直流反接的特点 30
3.2 焊接过程及焊后无损检测结果 30
3.2.1 焊缝外貌形状 30
3.2.2 焊后处理 30
3.3.3 焊接质量检验 31
3.3.4 渗透检测验证 32
3.4 焊缝的金相组织分析 33
3.4.1 实验材料的制备 33
3.4.2 金相实验制备 33
3.4.3 金相组织分析 34
3.4.4 硬度分析 39
3.5 本章小结 42
第4章 焊后热处理及磁痕处理方法 43
4.1 非相关磁痕的分析 43
4.2 焊后热处理及分析 44
4.2.1 热处理规范 44
4.2.2 热处理后的宏观形貌 44
4.2.2 热处理后的金相组织分析 45
4.2.3 相关的物理分析 49
4.3 本章小结 50
结 论 51
参 考 文 献 53
致 谢 55
附录A 攻读学位期间所发表的学术论文目录 56
摘 要
With the domestic’s economic situation high rapid development,
locomotive have become necessary transport gradually into people's
lives in everyday. So at the domestic market Requirement of Locomotive
Continue to improve require Locomotive manufacturing industries
continue to increase production at present. Provide the Good prospects
for development of Locomotive manufacturing industries. But in the
back of manufacture have many problem of the parts quality. Especially
in the core parts of locomotive parts should be pay more attention to
the quality.
42CrMo have good strength and toughness, hardenability. Temper
brittleness is not obvious. It is hardened and tempered will have a
high limit of fatigue, Anti-shocks and low temperature impact
toughness. It is used in large and important section of machine parts
wildly. For example, it is used for high power internal combustion
engine crankshaft, the link, turbine spindle, impeller and so on. Or
it is used for heat-resistant steel below 500 ℃ as high temperature
Because of the poor weldability in 42CrMo In this paper, the
weldability of this material was analyzed because of the poor
weldability in 42CrMo. We have experiments for H08Mn2SiA welding wire
in the situation of without preheating, and compare the quality of
welding under different welding current. Formulated a plan of heat
hreatment after welded to improve the phenomenon which Heat affected
zone is embrittlement and softening. Analyzed the the problem of
Magnetic particle testing after welding. It indicated that the
magnetic trace was because of heat affected zone have difference
microstructure, the difference microstructure have difference magnetic
permeability. Not because of it have crack in..