

用牛顿环干涉测透镜的曲率半径实验研究,目 录摘 要1abstract2前 言3第一章 牛顿环干涉原理及其装置结构51.1 牛顿环干涉实验原理51.2 牛顿环实验装置61.2.1实验仪器61.2.2光路原理61.2.3牛顿环装置的调节71.2.4牛顿环装置调节注意事项81.2.5干涉圆环视场中的几个...
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目  录
摘 要 1
前 言 3
第一章  牛顿环干涉原理及其装置结构 5
1.1  牛顿环干涉实验原理 5
1.2  牛顿环实验装置 6
1.2.1实验仪器 6
1.2.2光路原理 6
1.2.3牛顿环装置的调节 7
1.2.4牛顿环装置调节注意事项 8
1.2.5干涉圆环视场中的几个常见问题以及解决办法 8
第二章  牛顿环实验数据记录以及数据处理 9
2.1  牛顿环实验数据记录 9
2.2  牛顿环数据处理 9
2.2.1数据处理方法一 9
2.2.2数据处理方法二 11
第三章  牛顿环测平凸透镜曲率半径的影响因素 12
3.1  牛顿环装置拧得太紧对实验的影响 12
3.2  读数显微镜的刻度线不经过圆心对所测曲率半径的影响 13
3.3  接触点为亮斑对所测曲率半径的影响 14
3.4  牛顿环的形变对所测曲率半径的影响 15
3.5  光的相干性以及光强对干涉条纹的影响 16
3.5.1光的相干性对干涉条纹的影响 16
3.5.2光强对干涉图样的影响 18
3.6  理想牛顿环干涉图样特点 18
第四章  牛顿环干涉实验的拓展 19
4.1  改造牛顿环仪测平凸透镜的焦距 19
4.2  利用牛顿环装置测定液体折射率 19
4.2.1测量原理 19
4.2.2牛顿环测液体折射率数据记录及处理 20
4.2.3用牛顿环测液体折射率折射率测量方法 21
4.3  利用牛顿环干涉条纹测定薄膜厚度 21
4.4  用牛顿环测透镜表面的凹凸性 22
4.5  用牛顿环测光学零件的标准性 23
后 记 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26
附录A  干涉牛顿环半径与平凸透镜曲率半径关系的推导 27
附录B  液体折射率与干涉牛顿环半径之间的关系推导 29

摘 要

关键词:牛顿环; 等厚干涉; 曲率半径; 逐差法; 液体折射率


In the college physics experiment, Newton's rings experiment is amplitude interference of medium thick an important instance. According to the Isopach interference principle, the comprehensive analysis of the Newton ring imaging principle and imaging pattern.
Imaging pattern on the basis of Newton’s rings, this paper further analyzes the Newton rings apparatus flat and convex lens curvature radius of the interference ring diameter, the relationship between the application and processing through “gradual deduction method” calculate the plane convex lens curvature radius, and then calculate the uncertainty.
In order to more in-depth understanding of Newton ring experiment, this paper further extends the Newton ring interference pattern in other applications, such as Newton’s rings measuring liquid refractive index, and the measured results in accord with the theoretical value, the determination of Newton’s rings measuring concave and convex lens and optical components on the surface of the standards, and measuring lens focal length and a series of applications, and the development of Newton ring experiment after in the future.

Keywords: Newton's rings; Isopach interference; Radius of curvature; By differential method; Liquid refractive index