

浅谈现代企业制度,页数 7字数 8654[论文摘要]:现代企业制度的基本特征是:产权清晰,权责明确,政企分开,管理科学,这四个方面是一个相互紧密联系的整体,其中产权清晰是核心、主要内容。现代企业制度的主要内容主要包括如现代企业产权制度、现代企业组织制度、现代企业管理制度三个方面的主要内容。我国国有企业的历史沿革。建立现代...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 刘阳 发布


页数 7 字数 8654



[Thesis summary ]: The essential feature of the modern enterprise system is: The property right is clear, have well defined power and responsibility , separate government function from enterprise management, management science , these four respects are a whole of the close connection each other, among them it is core , main content that the property right is clear. The main content of the modern enterprise system mainly includes the main content such as three respects of modern enterprise's property relations , modern enterprise's organization system , modern system of business management. Historical evolution of the state-owned enterprise of our country. Set up modern enterprise system, two that must follow basic principle property independent principle and limited responsibility importance and direction, principle of SOE reform most. Relation among three pieces of composition of consumer , enterprise , government.
[Key word ] : Modern enterprise system


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现代企业家与企业文化。刘光明著。经济管理出版社。1997 年3月第1版
邓荣霖. 自经济观察报