此文档由会员 霜天盈月 发布
摘要:按照数据处理的观点,传统ERP是联机事物处理系统。由于现代先进管理理念加强了人和企业文化的关注,将业务自身的决策权下放到对应的作业层也就成为了趋势。原来单纯事物处理人员现在要做与他业务相关的决策。因而作业人员也要了解相关的综合性的数据和信息。这些传统ERP却不能够提供。于是产生了新一代事物处理和分析处理相结合的应用软件。随着数据仓库DW和联机分析处理OLAP技术开始走向实用,ERP供应商也开始了将DW/OLAP集成于一身的努力。于是ERP集成了两种数据处理方法:传统的联机事物处理OLTP( On-line Transaction Processing )和新增的联机分析处理OLAP( On-line Analytical Processing ),作业系统和业务智能分析也就联结起来了。
Abstract: According to the standpoint that data handle, the traditional ERP is the On-line Transaction Processing system. Because modern forerunner the management principle strengthened the human and concern of corporate culture, laying the decision power of the business oneself to corresponding operators became the trend. The transaction Processing operators now have to do with the related decision of his business. As a result, operators should understand the related synthetic data and information. These above the traditional ERP can't provide enough. Hence the new production, a kind of applied software that combines transaction processing and analysis processing, appears. With the data warehouse (DW) and the On-line Analytical
1 传统ERP的运行机制
2 现代企业对新一代ERP的需求
2.1 需求
2.2 商务智能(BI)
3 新一代ERP及其所运用的技术
3.1 数据仓库
3.2 联机分析处理
3.3 数据挖掘
4 BI的实施
5 综述
《数据仓库与数据挖掘技术》 陈京民等编著 电子工业出版社
摘要:按照数据处理的观点,传统ERP是联机事物处理系统。由于现代先进管理理念加强了人和企业文化的关注,将业务自身的决策权下放到对应的作业层也就成为了趋势。原来单纯事物处理人员现在要做与他业务相关的决策。因而作业人员也要了解相关的综合性的数据和信息。这些传统ERP却不能够提供。于是产生了新一代事物处理和分析处理相结合的应用软件。随着数据仓库DW和联机分析处理OLAP技术开始走向实用,ERP供应商也开始了将DW/OLAP集成于一身的努力。于是ERP集成了两种数据处理方法:传统的联机事物处理OLTP( On-line Transaction Processing )和新增的联机分析处理OLAP( On-line Analytical Processing ),作业系统和业务智能分析也就联结起来了。
Abstract: According to the standpoint that data handle, the traditional ERP is the On-line Transaction Processing system. Because modern forerunner the management principle strengthened the human and concern of corporate culture, laying the decision power of the business oneself to corresponding operators became the trend. The transaction Processing operators now have to do with the related decision of his business. As a result, operators should understand the related synthetic data and information. These above the traditional ERP can't provide enough. Hence the new production, a kind of applied software that combines transaction processing and analysis processing, appears. With the data warehouse (DW) and the On-line Analytical
1 传统ERP的运行机制
2 现代企业对新一代ERP的需求
2.1 需求
2.2 商务智能(BI)
3 新一代ERP及其所运用的技术
3.1 数据仓库
3.2 联机分析处理
3.3 数据挖掘
4 BI的实施
5 综述
《数据仓库与数据挖掘技术》 陈京民等编著 电子工业出版社