

电子化供应链管理在pc制造业中的运用,电子化供应链管理在pc制造业中的运用页数40字数 22161摘 要 进入21世纪后,由于pc制造业国际、国内市场竞争的加剧,加之客户需求的变化,企业竞争由原先的单个企业之间的竞争逐渐演变为供应链与供应链之间的竞争。本篇论文主要针对我国pc制造业的供应链管理所存在的问题,对比分析了运用基于网络技术及电子商务的电子化供应链...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布


页数 40 字数 22161

摘 要


【关键词】: 供应链管理,电子化供应链管理,因特网,PC制造业

Coming into the 21 century, because the competition of the personal computer manufacturing is pricking up, not only the international market but also the national. Additionally, the demands of the clients are changing, and the competition between the corporations has evolved gradually the competition between the supply chain management. The piece of paper mostly aims at the problems which are existing in the personal computer manufacturing of our country, and analyses the necessity of applying the electronic supply chain management which is based on network technique and electronic business as well as the influence which versus the outstanding achievement of the corporations. Moreover, this paper brings forward the steps about how to actualize the electronic supply chain management, and put forwards the problem which exist in the process. And proves that the application is necessary trend and it’s sticking point if corporations want to acquire the predominance.
【KEY WORDS】: Supply Chain Management
Electronic Supply Chain Management Internet
Personal Computer Manufacturing
【THESIS TYPE】: Applied Research


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