

企业知识管理的内涵研究,页数 11字数 13337【摘要】在知识经济时代,“知识管理”是一个新事物,它是知识经济的产物。由于它在企业发展中起着主导作用,因此受到企业的广泛关注。简单地说,“知识管理”就是对知识进行管理,是知识转变成为企业的经济效益。他是对企业员工的管理和对企业知识的管理的有机组合。知识管理要求企业员工的全...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布


页数 11 字数 13337



【ABSTRACT】It is economic knowledge era. Knowledge management is a new thing. It is one of children of the knowledge economic. Because of playing a great part in the development of a company, it now is being paid more and more attention. In a simple word, knowledge management is the management of the knowledge, which aim is turning knowledge into economic values! It is a excellent part, including the management towards the members of the company and the management towards the knowledge of a company. Knowledge management requires the full taking part in of the company. The knowledge should do good to the long development of the company. In a great deal of foreign companies, they have organized a department, which header is the chief official of knowledge (CKO). But in China, the companies have not paid enough attention to it.

【KEY WORD】knowledge management information management knowledge economic
knowledge innovation chief official of knowledge

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2、《CEO的智慧》威廉•道菲南斯(译者:李平) 上海交通大学出版社 2001
3、《知识经济与管理创新》 杨梅英 经济管理出版社 1999
4、《知识资本运营论》 申明  企业管理出版社 1998
5、《创新时速与竞争之道》 李亿 中华工商联合会出版社 2001