留言簿的设计,页数 39 字数 11542摘要internet的迅猛发展,推动了各种网络技术的不断产生和更新,asp便是在这一条件下产生的,asp的出现改变了以往网站是由单纯的html语言编写的静态网页所组成的情况,有了asp以后,我们就能够根据不同的用户,在不同的时间向用户显示不同的内容。网站的内容更新也不再是一个乏味...

此文档由会员 钱阳 发布
页数 39 字数 11542
摘 要
The development of Internet caused producing and updatint of all kinds of technology of networks,when ASP arised.The appreanrance of ASP changed the enviroment under which the past network station is made up of static Pages which are consistent of pure HTML language. After ASP turned up , according to different users we can display different contents to user in different time. The updating of the contents of station has never been boring repeating proccess. It begins to become simple and interesting.So the life in Internet becomes more and more colorful, and the methods of communication in Internet are required more and more.BBS based on Web is produced by using ASP,which is a way of several persons participating for network users.In this theme there are introduction of ASP, the VBScript language,introduction of ODBC, and user loging/register in the BBS,delivering article, going through articles, modifying personal messages and so on.
Key words: BBS, dynamic , Script Language, ASP, ODBC, VBScript
1. 作者:钱力鹏 阎义洲 袁亚玎 何斌 等 《Visual InterDev 6.0网络编程技术》
2. 作者:武延军 赵彬 《精通ASP网络编程》 出版社:人民邮电出版社
3. 作者:姜晓铭 《VBScript编程指南》 出版社:中国石化出版社
4. 作者:铁成 陈功等 《Visual InterDev 6.0开发指南》 出版社:清华大学出版社
5. 作者:李欣欣 《ASP实习报告》
页数 39 字数 11542
摘 要
The development of Internet caused producing and updatint of all kinds of technology of networks,when ASP arised.The appreanrance of ASP changed the enviroment under which the past network station is made up of static Pages which are consistent of pure HTML language. After ASP turned up , according to different users we can display different contents to user in different time. The updating of the contents of station has never been boring repeating proccess. It begins to become simple and interesting.So the life in Internet becomes more and more colorful, and the methods of communication in Internet are required more and more.BBS based on Web is produced by using ASP,which is a way of several persons participating for network users.In this theme there are introduction of ASP, the VBScript language,introduction of ODBC, and user loging/register in the BBS,delivering article, going through articles, modifying personal messages and so on.
Key words: BBS, dynamic , Script Language, ASP, ODBC, VBScript
1. 作者:钱力鹏 阎义洲 袁亚玎 何斌 等 《Visual InterDev 6.0网络编程技术》
2. 作者:武延军 赵彬 《精通ASP网络编程》 出版社:人民邮电出版社
3. 作者:姜晓铭 《VBScript编程指南》 出版社:中国石化出版社
4. 作者:铁成 陈功等 《Visual InterDev 6.0开发指南》 出版社:清华大学出版社
5. 作者:李欣欣 《ASP实习报告》