毕业设计 1048型循环球转向器设计.zip
毕业设计 1048型循环球转向器设计,±ÏÒµÉè¼Æ 1048ÐÍÑ»·ÇòתÏòÆ÷Éè¼ÆÂÛÎÄ˵Ã÷Êé¹²70Ò³£¬×ÖÊý×ܼƣº25432×ÊÁϼò½é£º±ÏÒµÉè¼Æ£¨ÂÛÎÄ£©ËµÃ÷Ê飺1048ÐÍÑ»·ÇòתÏòÆ÷Éè¼Æ.doc´ð±çÑÝʾppt.pptתÏòÂÝĸ.doca4-¸ÖÇòµ¼...

原文档由会员 lixiuhui7 发布
±ÏÒµÉè¼Æ 1048ÐÍÑ»·ÇòתÏòÆ÷Éè¼Æ
¹Ø¼ü´Ê Ñ»·Çò£»×ªÏòÆ÷£»×ÜÌåÉè¼Æ£»¼Ó¹¤£»¼ì²â
First this article was set overview development of the steering industry in China, and then the type of car, front axle load conditions on the steering gear using a preliminary selection, and in accordance with steering the transmission efficiency, angle transmission ratio and conditions of use the success of previous models on the specific parameters and intensity of steering a detailed calculation. 1048 completed the structure selection from the steering gear to the manufacturing process all the design layout.
The recirculating ball type steering gear steering is the only rolling friction and secondary deceleration steering, rear-wheel drive all at home and abroad, and after the main drive wheel four-wheel-drive vehicle in the manual and power steering Turn commonly used recirculating ball steering. Because of its high transmission efficiency, smooth, reliable, screw and nut on the spiral groove by carburization, quenching and grinding, abrasion resistance and long life. Fan gear meshing with the rack space to facilitate easy adjustment of the advantages of the high-level and above cars and light buses, goods vehicles on the widely adopted.
Data collected through the network to understand the circulating ball steering gear steering gear in the domestic market in an important position. By 1048 the design of the steering and the vehicle steering system with a deeper understanding of transmission, through the process of design of the parts production line with a further understanding. The design of the future in design and production work laid an important foundation.
Keywords Recirculating ball; Steering; Design; Processing; Detection
Ŀ ¼
ÕªÒª I
Abstract II
µÚ1Õ Ð÷ÂÛ 1
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3.7 ±¾ÕÂС½á 28
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4.1 Âݸˡ¢ÂÝĸ¹öµÀµÄ¼Ó¹¤¾«¶ÈÒªÇó 29
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First this article was set overview development of the steering industry in China, and then the type of car, front axle load conditions on the steering gear using a preliminary selection, and in accordance with steering the transmission efficiency, angle transmission ratio and conditions of use the success of previous models on the specific parameters and intensity of steering a detailed calculation. 1048 completed the structure selection from the steering gear to the manufacturing process all the design layout.
The recirculating ball type steering gear steering is the only rolling friction and secondary deceleration steering, rear-wheel drive all at home and abroad, and after the main drive wheel four-wheel-drive vehicle in the manual and power steering Turn commonly used recirculating ball steering. Because of its high transmission efficiency, smooth, reliable, screw and nut on the spiral groove by carburization, quenching and grinding, abrasion resistance and long life. Fan gear meshing with the rack space to facilitate easy adjustment of the advantages of the high-level and above cars and light buses, goods vehicles on the widely adopted.
Data collected through the network to understand the circulating ball steering gear steering gear in the domestic market in an important position. By 1048 the design of the steering and the vehicle steering system with a deeper understanding of transmission, through the process of design of the parts production line with a further understanding. The design of the future in design and production work laid an important foundation.
Keywords Recirculating ball; Steering; Design; Processing; Detection
Ŀ ¼
ÕªÒª I
Abstract II
µÚ1Õ Ð÷ÂÛ 1
1.1 Ñ»·ÇòתÏòÆ÷¸ÅÊö 1
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