毕业设计 搬运机械手及其控制系统设计.zip


毕业设计 搬运机械手及其控制系统设计,论文说明书共39页,字数总计:16341资料简介:毕业论文说明书.doca2-底座.dwga3-plc输入输出接线图.dwga0-搬运机械手装配图.dwga3-上气爪.dwga3-上轴承.dwga3-下气爪.dwga1-总体布置图.dwga3-梯形图.dwga2-手臂部装图.dwga...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文



原文档由会员 lixiuhui7 发布

毕业设计 搬运机械手及其控制系统设计
摘 要
机械手主要由手部、运动机构和控制系统三大部分组成。手部是用来抓持工件(或工具)的部件,根据被抓持物件的形状、尺寸、重量、材料和作业要求而有多种结构形式,如夹持型、托持型和吸附型等。运动机构,使手部完成各种转动(摆动)、移动或复合运动来实现规定的动作,改变被抓持物件的位置和姿势。运动机构的升降、伸缩、旋转等独立运动方式,称为机械手的自由度 。本课题中设计的搬运机械手主要有旋转、伸缩、升降、夹紧四个自由度组成。
由于气动机械手有结构简单、易实现无级调速、易实现过载保护、易实现复杂的动作等诸多独特的优点,气动机械手正在向重复高精度,模块化,无给油化, 机电气一体化方向发展。可以预见,在不久的将来,气动机械手将越来越广泛地进人工业、军事、航空、医疗、生活等领域。
Over the past 20 years, the field of pneumatic technology expand rapidly,which is widely used in a diverse array of automated production line especially.The combine of electrical programmable technology and pneumatic control technology makes the whole system a higher degree of automation, more flexible control and more reliable performance;The rapid develop of pneumatic manipulator and flexible automated production lines requier much more to the development of pneumatic technology .
This topic originated from the handling station of the production line;The drive is used pressure transmission, which uses a variety of cylinder to control the robot's movement and the control parts combining the programmable control technology make a programme to achieve the control of the transportation between the two places.
Manipulator is competed by three major parts including hand, sports bodies and control system. Task of hand is to hold the workpiece (or tool) of the components.According to the grasping object’s shape, size, weight, materials and operating requirements the hand hands a variety of structural forms, such as clamp type, ADS holders and adsorption type and so on.The movement part can complete the prescriptive move and achieve the change of the site and gesture of the grasping objects by varies rotating(twisting),moving or complex movements on hand. The independence movements such as the rise and fall of body, stretching and rotating manner are called the free degrees of manipulator. The handling manipulator of the topic composites four free degrees which are rotation, stretching, lifting and claping
The pneumatic manipulator design is desided from three parts in chuding the mechanical parts, pneumatic parts and control parts,which requires to achieve mechanical hand up and down between the handling function. Focus on the mechanical parts are the design of overall structure , the choice of each cylinder and installation design, structural design of various components etc; pneumatic part is given the pneumatic manipulator handling schematics, and the control part of the procedure was mainly design and debugging,The papers use Siemens (S7-200) instructions program,giving the corresponding ladder diagram, statement forms and simple flow chart.
Because the pneumatic Manipulator has advantages of simple structure, easy to achieve the stepless speed regulation, easy to achieve overload protection, easy to achieve a number of complex movements,the pneumatic manipulator is developing to the repeat-high-precision, modular, non-oil and electrical integration direction. It is foreseeable that in the near future, pneumatic manipulator will become more and more widely used into the industrial, military, aviation, medical, and other areas of life.

Keywords:PLC, flexible automated production lines, free degree, Ladder Diagram
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 IV
第一章 引 言 1
1.1 课题的背景和意义 1
1.2 课题国内外发展现状 2
第二章 总体方案确定 4
2.1 总体方案论证 4
2.1.1 机械手手臂结构方案设计 4
2.1.2 机械手驱动方案设计 4
2.1.3 机械手控制方案设计 5
2.1.4 机..