原文档由会员 lixiuhui7 发布
摘 要
本次课程设计的任务我选的是接触环零件冲压工艺分析和模具的具体结构设计。通过查阅了相关文献资料,对接触环零件进行工艺性分析,选择并确定符合于给定条件的最优工艺方案,及进行了工艺与设计的有关计算,如:选择基本工序,确定其顺序、工序数目及工序组合形式。介绍了主要零部件的设计理念,详细剖析了设计过程中一些思路,以及某些非标准零件的使用特点。阐述了工位级进模的设计要点, 使产品质量达到设计要求。然后以此为基础,设计出冲压模具主要零件的结构。并在设计中,介绍了零件的排样图、定位设计、冲裁力的计算和压力中心的计算。
The design is focus on both the analysis of Pressing technics of the contact plate and the particular configuration design of die. According to check with a great deal of reference details . It is a must to base on the technical analysis of the patch, then choose a best craft procedure to a given project. For instance, basic procedure's choosing, basic procedure's sequence confirmation , the amount of the working procedure and the format of the procedure combination. Presentation of the main components of the design concept, a detailed analysis of the design process in a number of ideas, as well as the use of certain features of non-standard parts On-position progressive die design features, so that the quality of products meet the design requirements. And then as a basis for designing the main parts stamping die structure. And design, introduced the nesting parts map, location design, the calculation of punching force and the calculation of center of pressure.
Analysis of the die of the basic types of mold, die mold discussed the technical requirements on the standard mold of the assembly process. And pointed out that when the mold assembly of attention. Be expected to step positioning is a very important process, and its impact on the accuracy of the workpiece is very important, so the accuracy of their design on the mold with the standard of maintenance of both the standardization of mold, but also for the smooth production of the mold and lay a good foundation. At the same time, convex, concave mold structure of the product quality of a great impact in improving the economic efficiency and reduce costs under the premise of the design of a reasonable and simple, convex, concave mold structure is an important part of the design.
Key words: contact chip; progressive die; plastic; nesting; Inserts; die mold; technical conditions; assembly process
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
前 言 1
1 设计主题 3
2 零件的工艺性分析 3
2.1 结构尺寸与精度 3
2.2 材料与批量 3
2.3 确定冲裁工艺方案 4
3 确定模具总体结构方案 5
3.1模具类型与定位方式 5
3.2 卸料与出见件方式 5
3.3模架类型及精度 5
4 工艺与设计计算 6
4.1 排样设计与计算 6
4.2计算冲压力与压力中心,初选压力机 8
4.3 模具闭合高度的确定和压力机的校验 9
4.4 计算凹、凸模刃口尺寸及公差 9
4.4.1落料凹模刃口尺寸 10
4.4.2冲孔凹模刃口尺寸 10
4.4.3侧刃孔尺寸 10
4.5 工序的确定与排序 10
5 设计选用模具零、部件,绘制模具总装图 11
5.1 凹模设计 11
5.2 凸模设计 12
5.3 模柄的选择 14
5.4 弹簧的选择 14
5.5 其它主要零部件的尺寸规格 15
5.6 绘制模具总装草图及非标准模具零件图 16
6 安全保护装置 18
6.1防止制件或废料的回升或堵塞装置 18
6.2 模面制件的清理 19
7 模具零件材料的选择及制定加工工艺过程工艺卡 19
7.2 模具零件材料的选择 19
7.2 制定加工过程工艺卡 20
8 冲模的装配和调试 22
8.1 冲模装配要领及过程 22
8.1.1 冲模装配前准备工作 22
8.1.2 模具的装配顺序 22
8.2 冲模的试冲与调试 23
8.3 冲模试冲与调整的目的 23
9 结束语 24
谢 辞 25
参考文献 26
附录 26
摘 要
本次课程设计的任务我选的是接触环零件冲压工艺分析和模具的具体结构设计。通过查阅了相关文献资料,对接触环零件进行工艺性分析,选择并确定符合于给定条件的最优工艺方案,及进行了工艺与设计的有关计算,如:选择基本工序,确定其顺序、工序数目及工序组合形式。介绍了主要零部件的设计理念,详细剖析了设计过程中一些思路,以及某些非标准零件的使用特点。阐述了工位级进模的设计要点, 使产品质量达到设计要求。然后以此为基础,设计出冲压模具主要零件的结构。并在设计中,介绍了零件的排样图、定位设计、冲裁力的计算和压力中心的计算。
The design is focus on both the analysis of Pressing technics of the contact plate and the particular configuration design of die. According to check with a great deal of reference details . It is a must to base on the technical analysis of the patch, then choose a best craft procedure to a given project. For instance, basic procedure's choosing, basic procedure's sequence confirmation , the amount of the working procedure and the format of the procedure combination. Presentation of the main components of the design concept, a detailed analysis of the design process in a number of ideas, as well as the use of certain features of non-standard parts On-position progressive die design features, so that the quality of products meet the design requirements. And then as a basis for designing the main parts stamping die structure. And design, introduced the nesting parts map, location design, the calculation of punching force and the calculation of center of pressure.
Analysis of the die of the basic types of mold, die mold discussed the technical requirements on the standard mold of the assembly process. And pointed out that when the mold assembly of attention. Be expected to step positioning is a very important process, and its impact on the accuracy of the workpiece is very important, so the accuracy of their design on the mold with the standard of maintenance of both the standardization of mold, but also for the smooth production of the mold and lay a good foundation. At the same time, convex, concave mold structure of the product quality of a great impact in improving the economic efficiency and reduce costs under the premise of the design of a reasonable and simple, convex, concave mold structure is an important part of the design.
Key words: contact chip; progressive die; plastic; nesting; Inserts; die mold; technical conditions; assembly process
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
前 言 1
1 设计主题 3
2 零件的工艺性分析 3
2.1 结构尺寸与精度 3
2.2 材料与批量 3
2.3 确定冲裁工艺方案 4
3 确定模具总体结构方案 5
3.1模具类型与定位方式 5
3.2 卸料与出见件方式 5
3.3模架类型及精度 5
4 工艺与设计计算 6
4.1 排样设计与计算 6
4.2计算冲压力与压力中心,初选压力机 8
4.3 模具闭合高度的确定和压力机的校验 9
4.4 计算凹、凸模刃口尺寸及公差 9
4.4.1落料凹模刃口尺寸 10
4.4.2冲孔凹模刃口尺寸 10
4.4.3侧刃孔尺寸 10
4.5 工序的确定与排序 10
5 设计选用模具零、部件,绘制模具总装图 11
5.1 凹模设计 11
5.2 凸模设计 12
5.3 模柄的选择 14
5.4 弹簧的选择 14
5.5 其它主要零部件的尺寸规格 15
5.6 绘制模具总装草图及非标准模具零件图 16
6 安全保护装置 18
6.1防止制件或废料的回升或堵塞装置 18
6.2 模面制件的清理 19
7 模具零件材料的选择及制定加工工艺过程工艺卡 19
7.2 模具零件材料的选择 19
7.2 制定加工过程工艺卡 20
8 冲模的装配和调试 22
8.1 冲模装配要领及过程 22
8.1.1 冲模装配前准备工作 22
8.1.2 模具的装配顺序 22
8.2 冲模的试冲与调试 23
8.3 冲模试冲与调整的目的 23
9 结束语 24
谢 辞 25
参考文献 26
附录 26