原文档由会员 lixiuhui7 发布
摘 要
关键词 数控铣床;自动换刀装置;刀库;换刀机械手;Pro/E
ATC Unit of Fluctuation Bench Miller
This paper is mainly directed against vertical milling machine automatically lifts ATC device design. ATC unit from the automatic knife and tool change the composition of mechanical hand. Knife used for disk-shaped structure, installed in the machine to the left Column on. Knife for the capacity for six, by order of the election knife way. Manipulator optional rotary manipulator arms, by the hydraulic system to control its automatic tool change.
The content of this design include the design of the knife, the mechanical hand and its control system design, automatic tool change device control principle. The former includes the design capacity of the knife, the tool change the form of design, structure design, mechanical hand drive mechanism design, hydraulic control system design and other content.
Design of Pro/E software for the overall structure of the three-dimensional design, Pro/E software is not only a strong entity modeling, surface modeling, virtual assembly and the formation of the plan module function, but also in the process of designing a finite element analysis , It also can directly generate three-dimensional model of the NC code, and applied to products processing. At the same time also can be applied to Pro/E software for the corresponding dynamic simulation analysis.
Keywords CNC milling machines; automatic tool change devices; knife library; ATC manipulator; Pro/E
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 数控铣床的分类 1
1.1.1 数控立式铣床 1
1.1.2 卧式数控铣床 1
1.1.3 立、卧式两用数控铣床 1
1.2 数控铣床的结构特征 2
1.2.1 数控铣床的主轴特征 2
1.2.2 控制机床运动的坐标特征 2
1.3 数控铣床的主要功能及加工对象 3
1.3.1 数控铣床的功能 3
1.3.2 自动换刀装置(ATC)及其形式 3
1.3.3 自动换刀装置应当满足的基本要求 4
1.4 本章小结 4
第2章 总体方案的确定 5
2.1 XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床及其主要参数 5
2.1.1 其主要结构特点 6
2.1.2 其主要规格及技术参数 6
2.2 初定其自动换刀装置的设计参数 7
2.3 确定其自动换刀装置的形式 8
2.4 本章小结 8
第3章 刀库的设计 9
3.1 确定刀库容量 9
3.2 确定刀库形式 10
3.3 刀库结构设计 10
3.4 初估刀库驱动转矩及选定电机 11
3.5 刀库转位机构的普通圆柱蜗杆传动的设计 12
3.6 刀库驱动转矩的校核 15
3.7 花键联接的强度计算 15
3.8 确定刀具的选择方式 16
3.9 三维建模 17
3.9.1 Pro/E简介 17
3.9.2 刀库的三维建模 17
3.10 本章小结 21
第4章 刀具交换装置的设计 22
4.1 换刀机械手抓刀部分结构 22
4.2 机械手传动结构 23
4.3 自动换刀过程的动作顺序 24
4.4 自动换刀装置的相关技术要求 25
4.4.1 主轴准停装置 25
4.4.2 换刀机械手的安装与调试 25
4.5 本章小结 26
第5章 自动换刀装置的控制原理 27
5.1 刀库的控制 27
5.2 机械手的控制 27
5.3 本章小结 27
结论 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30
附录 31
摘 要
关键词 数控铣床;自动换刀装置;刀库;换刀机械手;Pro/E
ATC Unit of Fluctuation Bench Miller
This paper is mainly directed against vertical milling machine automatically lifts ATC device design. ATC unit from the automatic knife and tool change the composition of mechanical hand. Knife used for disk-shaped structure, installed in the machine to the left Column on. Knife for the capacity for six, by order of the election knife way. Manipulator optional rotary manipulator arms, by the hydraulic system to control its automatic tool change.
The content of this design include the design of the knife, the mechanical hand and its control system design, automatic tool change device control principle. The former includes the design capacity of the knife, the tool change the form of design, structure design, mechanical hand drive mechanism design, hydraulic control system design and other content.
Design of Pro/E software for the overall structure of the three-dimensional design, Pro/E software is not only a strong entity modeling, surface modeling, virtual assembly and the formation of the plan module function, but also in the process of designing a finite element analysis , It also can directly generate three-dimensional model of the NC code, and applied to products processing. At the same time also can be applied to Pro/E software for the corresponding dynamic simulation analysis.
Keywords CNC milling machines; automatic tool change devices; knife library; ATC manipulator; Pro/E
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 数控铣床的分类 1
1.1.1 数控立式铣床 1
1.1.2 卧式数控铣床 1
1.1.3 立、卧式两用数控铣床 1
1.2 数控铣床的结构特征 2
1.2.1 数控铣床的主轴特征 2
1.2.2 控制机床运动的坐标特征 2
1.3 数控铣床的主要功能及加工对象 3
1.3.1 数控铣床的功能 3
1.3.2 自动换刀装置(ATC)及其形式 3
1.3.3 自动换刀装置应当满足的基本要求 4
1.4 本章小结 4
第2章 总体方案的确定 5
2.1 XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床及其主要参数 5
2.1.1 其主要结构特点 6
2.1.2 其主要规格及技术参数 6
2.2 初定其自动换刀装置的设计参数 7
2.3 确定其自动换刀装置的形式 8
2.4 本章小结 8
第3章 刀库的设计 9
3.1 确定刀库容量 9
3.2 确定刀库形式 10
3.3 刀库结构设计 10
3.4 初估刀库驱动转矩及选定电机 11
3.5 刀库转位机构的普通圆柱蜗杆传动的设计 12
3.6 刀库驱动转矩的校核 15
3.7 花键联接的强度计算 15
3.8 确定刀具的选择方式 16
3.9 三维建模 17
3.9.1 Pro/E简介 17
3.9.2 刀库的三维建模 17
3.10 本章小结 21
第4章 刀具交换装置的设计 22
4.1 换刀机械手抓刀部分结构 22
4.2 机械手传动结构 23
4.3 自动换刀过程的动作顺序 24
4.4 自动换刀装置的相关技术要求 25
4.4.1 主轴准停装置 25
4.4.2 换刀机械手的安装与调试 25
4.5 本章小结 26
第5章 自动换刀装置的控制原理 27
5.1 刀库的控制 27
5.2 机械手的控制 27
5.3 本章小结 27
结论 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30
附录 31