城市形象学研究,页数 21字数 21491摘要:按照一般的国际上的认识,“形象”在汉语最早出现于汉代,意指人、物的相貌形状。20世纪初,我国文艺理论家用“形象”一词释译法文、英文等西方文论中的image、从而使其又有了新的涵义。20世纪80年代初,公共关系事业和公共关系学经由香港在内地开办的独资、合资企业的示范、引介而进...

此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布
页数 21 字数 21491
按照一般的国际上的认识,“形象”在汉语最早出现于汉代,意指人、物的相貌形状。20世纪初,我国文艺理论家用“形象”一词释译法文、英文等西方文论中的image、从而使其又有了新的涵义。20世纪80年代初,公共关系事业和公共关系学经由香港在内地开办的独资、合资企业的示范、引介而进人中国内地。80年代中后期,企业形象、组织形象、CI、CIS等术语开始频繁地出现在探讨公共关系实务的著述中。对于CIS人们有两种互为表里的理解,一是指企业形象战略(corporation image strategy),二是指企业识别系统(corporation identity system)。20世纪如年代初,有学者将企业形象、组织形象概念引入城市研究领域,提出具有新涵义的0S概念。新的CIS可以理解为城市形象战略(city image strategy),也可以理解为城市识别系统(city identity system)。
According to the general understanding in the world, " image " appeared in Han Dynasty first in Chinese, mean the appearance forms of people , thing . At the beginning of the 20th century, of our country theory of literature family expenses " image " interpretation French , image of western articles and opinions such as being English,, to make it have a new meaning. Will it be will it be the beginning the eighties the 20th century, public relations undertaking and public relationship via Hong Kong in individual proprietorship, demonstration of joint venture that Mainland run, is it lie between and stock people's China Mainland to guide. The mid-or late-1980s, corporate image , organizing such terms as image , CI , CIS ,etc. to begin to frequently appear in probing into the public writing related to practice. Have two both as understanding of form as to CIS people , refer to corporate image strategy (corporation image strategy), two refers to enterprise's recognition system (corporation identity system ). Like the beginning such as times , have scholar corporate image , organize image concept lead the urban research field into the 20th century, put forward 0S concept with new meaning. New CIS can be interpreted as the urban image strategy (city image strategy ), can be interpreted as the urban recognition system (city identity system ) too. In July of 1992, the people's government of Huadu of Guangdong Province specially set up, trusted the expert panel to carry on the research work of the subject that " the image of Huadu was built ". In December of 1994, the research paper of this subject was published by the publishing house of Ji'nan University, put forward " regional image " concept formally . According to the clearing up of this book author, image of the so-called area, it is the inherent comprehensive strength to this area of the public of inside masses and outside who show an area, advance vigor and concrete perceiving , overall view and comprehensive appraisal of the development prospect in the future apparently outside. The scale of the area may be large or small, a province can be regarded as an area, even a piece of villages and towns can be regarded as an area too in a county. Obviously, the city is a regional category too. So, we can think , the regional image , this concept , includes the urban image, its epitaxy is greater than the urban image.
Keywords:city image;view image;sence image; fundamental;Ganzhou
[1] 姜中光.论我国城市化建设中城市形象的塑造 [J].北京建筑工程学院院报.2001年 3月
[2] 申有顺.关于城市形象战略研究的几点思考[J].规划师.2000年7月
[3] 罗治英.地区形象理论与实践[M].广州:中山大学出版社.2000.92-93
[4] 陈金泉.对接长珠闽 建设新赣州发展战略研究[R]
[5] 徐苏宁.城市形象塑造的美学与非美学问题[J].笔谈会.2003年
页数 21 字数 21491
按照一般的国际上的认识,“形象”在汉语最早出现于汉代,意指人、物的相貌形状。20世纪初,我国文艺理论家用“形象”一词释译法文、英文等西方文论中的image、从而使其又有了新的涵义。20世纪80年代初,公共关系事业和公共关系学经由香港在内地开办的独资、合资企业的示范、引介而进人中国内地。80年代中后期,企业形象、组织形象、CI、CIS等术语开始频繁地出现在探讨公共关系实务的著述中。对于CIS人们有两种互为表里的理解,一是指企业形象战略(corporation image strategy),二是指企业识别系统(corporation identity system)。20世纪如年代初,有学者将企业形象、组织形象概念引入城市研究领域,提出具有新涵义的0S概念。新的CIS可以理解为城市形象战略(city image strategy),也可以理解为城市识别系统(city identity system)。
According to the general understanding in the world, " image " appeared in Han Dynasty first in Chinese, mean the appearance forms of people , thing . At the beginning of the 20th century, of our country theory of literature family expenses " image " interpretation French , image of western articles and opinions such as being English,, to make it have a new meaning. Will it be will it be the beginning the eighties the 20th century, public relations undertaking and public relationship via Hong Kong in individual proprietorship, demonstration of joint venture that Mainland run, is it lie between and stock people's China Mainland to guide. The mid-or late-1980s, corporate image , organizing such terms as image , CI , CIS ,etc. to begin to frequently appear in probing into the public writing related to practice. Have two both as understanding of form as to CIS people , refer to corporate image strategy (corporation image strategy), two refers to enterprise's recognition system (corporation identity system ). Like the beginning such as times , have scholar corporate image , organize image concept lead the urban research field into the 20th century, put forward 0S concept with new meaning. New CIS can be interpreted as the urban image strategy (city image strategy ), can be interpreted as the urban recognition system (city identity system ) too. In July of 1992, the people's government of Huadu of Guangdong Province specially set up, trusted the expert panel to carry on the research work of the subject that " the image of Huadu was built ". In December of 1994, the research paper of this subject was published by the publishing house of Ji'nan University, put forward " regional image " concept formally . According to the clearing up of this book author, image of the so-called area, it is the inherent comprehensive strength to this area of the public of inside masses and outside who show an area, advance vigor and concrete perceiving , overall view and comprehensive appraisal of the development prospect in the future apparently outside. The scale of the area may be large or small, a province can be regarded as an area, even a piece of villages and towns can be regarded as an area too in a county. Obviously, the city is a regional category too. So, we can think , the regional image , this concept , includes the urban image, its epitaxy is greater than the urban image.
Keywords:city image;view image;sence image; fundamental;Ganzhou
[1] 姜中光.论我国城市化建设中城市形象的塑造 [J].北京建筑工程学院院报.2001年 3月
[2] 申有顺.关于城市形象战略研究的几点思考[J].规划师.2000年7月
[3] 罗治英.地区形象理论与实践[M].广州:中山大学出版社.2000.92-93
[4] 陈金泉.对接长珠闽 建设新赣州发展战略研究[R]
[5] 徐苏宁.城市形象塑造的美学与非美学问题[J].笔谈会.2003年