
原文档由会员 lixiuhui7 发布
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New-style methods were adopted to design the mold of the external shell of the mobile telephone (up-cap, down-cap) in order to get high-quality mold of mobile telephone with lower cost and shorter time.
First, introduce the types and basic structure of the mold, the relation of the mold and the injection machine, then elaborate the usual principles of mold design and some problems during design. Base on the above-mentioned theories and get united to the specific parameters and requisitions of the external shell of the mobile telephone to choose suitable injection machine, and to ascertain the parting surface, calculate the dimension of male mold and the cavity block, design the suspension mechanism, gating system, cooling system and ejecting mechanism.
Base on the dimension of the plunger and the cavity block, can produce the three-dimensional molding of the male mold and the cavity block with the help of the Pro/E, and produce the three-dimensional assembly molding with EMX. During the mold design, gating system and cooling system designed and optimized with CAE technology. Boundary element method was used to calculate these parameters: the optimum locations of the gate, filling time, filling pressure, advancing front temperature, maximum injection pressure, injection time, the location of weld mark during flow process, cooling time, temperate of cooling water, deformation size of the product and so on. Through the comparison of analogue results of three types of cooling schemes, the optimal distribution of the cooling system and the rational diameter of water pipes were ascertained.
Keyword£ºinjection mold; plastic; the external shell of the mobile telephone; Pro/E£»EMX£»Mold flow
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9 ÍÑÄ£»ú¹¹ 35
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10 °²×°½ÏºË 37
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New-style methods were adopted to design the mold of the external shell of the mobile telephone (up-cap, down-cap) in order to get high-quality mold of mobile telephone with lower cost and shorter time.
First, introduce the types and basic structure of the mold, the relation of the mold and the injection machine, then elaborate the usual principles of mold design and some problems during design. Base on the above-mentioned theories and get united to the specific parameters and requisitions of the external shell of the mobile telephone to choose suitable injection machine, and to ascertain the parting surface, calculate the dimension of male mold and the cavity block, design the suspension mechanism, gating system, cooling system and ejecting mechanism.
Base on the dimension of the plunger and the cavity block, can produce the three-dimensional molding of the male mold and the cavity block with the help of the Pro/E, and produce the three-dimensional assembly molding with EMX. During the mold design, gating system and cooling system designed and optimized with CAE technology. Boundary element method was used to calculate these parameters: the optimum locations of the gate, filling time, filling pressure, advancing front temperature, maximum injection pressure, injection time, the location of weld mark during flow process, cooling time, temperate of cooling water, deformation size of the product and so on. Through the comparison of analogue results of three types of cooling schemes, the optimal distribution of the cooling system and the rational diameter of water pipes were ascertained.
Keyword£ºinjection mold; plastic; the external shell of the mobile telephone; Pro/E£»EMX£»Mold flow
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1 Ç°ÑÔ 1
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2.2 ×¢ËÜÄ£µÄÀàÐÍ 4
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5.3.4 ½½¿ÚλÖõÄÑ¡Ôñ 15
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6.2.3 µ¼Ì×¼°µ¼Ïò¿×µÄÉè¼Æ 22
6.3 ÍƸ˼°¸´Î»¸Ë 23
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7.2 Ç¿¶ÈÉè¼Æ 26
7.2.1 °¼Ä£ÐÍÇ»µÄÇ¿¶È 26
7.3 ÍÑģб¶È 27
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8.2 ÀäȴϵͳµÄÉè¼Æ 28
9 ÍÑÄ£»ú¹¹ 35
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9.2 ³£ÓÃÍÑÄ£»ú¹¹¼°×¢Òâµã 35
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9.2.2 ÍƹÜÍÑÄ£»ú¹¹ 35
9.2.3 ÍÆ°åÍÑÄ£»ú¹¹ 36
10 °²×°½ÏºË 37
11 ½áÂÛ 37
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