

论“入世”后中国汽车工业发展的趋势,页数 50 字数 37754 完整篇【摘要】中国是世界上最大的汽车潜在市场,汽车工业是中国工业中具有较高技术含量和强劲的发展势头、正在成为新时期经济增长点和支柱产业的产业部门。加入wto后,中国经济将融入全球经济一体化中,中国汽车工业受影响最大的是轿车;而受冲击最严重的是汽车零部件工业...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布


页数 50 字数 37754 完整篇


【关键词】 汽车工业,发展趋势,政策建议

【Abstract 】China is the biggest potential market or automobile, and the car industry has the higher technique contains and development trend in the Chinese industry. It is becoming the new period economy increasing ordering with a pillar industry section. China economy will fuse into the global economical unifying after accede to WTO. Saloon car will be the deepest effected one in entire automobile production, and the most seriously stroked is spare part production of automobile. The tariff and the non-tariff barrier that have built by our country for automobile industry disappeared gradually. This text expatiates on competition situation of the world car industry and on the development condition of the Chinese car industry, analyses the development trends of Chinese car industry, then arguments the Chinese car industry fast developed in the past years although shocks spread from its entrance of WTO. Face to the more open market, the industry will gradually enter the world system in the aspects of manufacture, research & development, sales & service and credit. Meanwhile, along with entering the world system of car industry, the industry will rapidly develop and gradually become one of manufacture bases of world car industry. From long point of view, Chinese car industry will be able to do self-research and development and to increase its role in the world car industry. However, on the whole Chinese car industry is relatively weak in international competitiveness. In the end, put forward some countermeasures and advice about Chinese car industry development.
【Keywords】 car industry development trend policy advice

目 录

引 言 6
一、汽车工业的现状及特征 7
(一)世界汽车工业的现状及特征 7
(二)中国汽车工业现状 8
1.中国汽车工业的产量现状 8
2. 中国汽车工业的产品结构 9
二、中国“入世”承诺与国家汽车工业政策变化 10
(一)中国“入世”承诺 10
(二)国家汽车工业政策变化 11
三、汽车工业发展趋势的供给分析 12
(一)外资投资及影响 12
(二)汽车进口及影响 12
(三)民营资本进一步发展 13
(四)零部件“本土化” 14
(五)汽车工业发展的“瓶颈” 14
1.国际市场占有率低。 14
2.产品系列和品牌少。 14
3.价格和性能较差。 15
四、汽车工业发展趋势的需求分析 16
(一)潜在需求向有效需求转化 16
(二)汽车产品需求结构将发生较大变化。 16
(三)汽车市场消费主体将进一步向私人购车倾斜。 17
(四)需求发展的“瓶颈” 17
五、政策建议 19
(一)调整企业规模结构,加速汽车企业的兼并重组 19
(二)提升自身的研究开发能力,创建自己的品牌 19
(三)推进汽车零部件企业的发展 20
(四)加速出台鼓励汽车消费的政策 20
(五)寻求出口 21
结 束 语 23
致 谢 24
参 考 文 献 25

参 考 文 献

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