

教务管理系统软件开发,页数 41 字数 6372摘 要本软件的主要功能是帮助教务人员在具备基础信息的前提下,进行课程管理,制定教学计划。教学计划是学校教学管理中十分重要,是相当复杂的管理工作之一。包括了学生在校期间的所有课程安排。根据管理的实际要求,结合制定教学计划的实际流程,系统需要满足以下需要:设置登录密码,可以添加...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 赵亮 发布


页数 41 字数 6372

摘 要


关键词:教学计划,管理系统,SQL SERVER 2000,VISUAL BASIC 6.0


The main function of this software is to help teaching staff with the subject management and teaching plan making under the assistance of the basic information.
Teaching plan is a very important and complicated part of school management which includes all of the subject’s arrangement of students.
According to the practical require of manage, integrate with process of making teaching plans, the system need fulfill following requests. Intercalate password of login, the consumer can append user , change password. When login, if the password mistaken thrice, the system will auto logout. This feature will guarantee the system's security. Provide different searching functions: search by subject code, course code and year code. It offers a convenient searching function: search by course ID, department ID, grade ID. The consumer can search for the result from the system by any form of the three functions which were mentioned above. The results could be shown by table. The Consumer could directly revise and delete the record in the inquiry foundation. It is convenient for consumer to carry on the maintenance to the plan of instruction.
It can be used for inquiring the relation of the curriculum number and the curriculum name. It makes consumer not to need to remember the massive troublesome data.
It is compendious, intuitionistic. Consumer can skillfully use this software with little technology of computer.
Pivotal keywords: teaching plan ,MIS,SQL Server 2000,Visual Basic 6.0.

摘 要 1
引言 6
第一章 、 系统任务 7
1.1定义 7
1.2 可行性研究 7
1.2 系统规模及进度 8
1.3 使用环境 8
第二章、 系统分析 9
2.1需求分析 9
2.2概要设计 13
2.3数据库设计 15
第三章、详细设计 21
3.1教学计划子系统结构 21
3.2系统结构设计 21
3.3 MS SQL SERVER 2000介绍 24
3. 4 连接数据库 24
3.5部分程序源代码及说明 25
第四章、系统测试 35
1.1,测试环境 35
1.2,测试内容 35
第五章、系统使用说明 36
结束语 40
附录:参考文献 41

【1】James R.Groff等编著,章小丽等译.《SQL 完全手册》.电子工业出版社.2003年7月
【2】刘韬等编著.《Visual Basie 6.0 数据库系统开发施礼导航》.人民邮电出版社,2002年4月
【3】张力科.《Visual Basic 6.0 程序设计参考手册》.人民邮电出版社2003年11月
【4】萨师煊等著. 《数据库系统概论》. 高等教育出版社. 2002年
【5】《Visual Basie实用教程》,电子工业出版社2000年8月