解读希斯克里夫heathcliff’srevengelast,解读希斯克里夫本文共计13页,3904字;摘要希斯克里夫一个不明身世的孤儿,偶然的机会,被好心的恩肖先生发现并将之收养. 恩肖先生对希斯克里夫的宠爱,导致了恩肖先生的儿子辛得雷的嫉妒和仇恨。在恩肖先生去世后,他百般虐待希斯克里夫。在反抗的过程中,希斯克里夫和凯瑟琳有了爱慕之情。但由于世俗的原因,凯瑟琳最终背叛了希斯克里...

此文档由会员 sally410 发布解读希斯克里夫
希斯克里夫一个不明身世的孤儿,偶然的机会,被好心的恩肖先生发现并将之收养. 恩肖先生对希斯克里夫的宠爱,导致了恩肖先生的儿子辛得雷的嫉妒和仇恨。在恩肖先生去世后,他百般虐待希斯克里夫。在反抗的过程中,希斯克里夫和凯瑟琳有了爱慕之情。但由于世俗的原因,凯瑟琳最终背叛了希斯克里夫和他们的爱情。新仇旧恨最终导致了希斯克里夫疯狂复仇计划的实施。但当他实施完复仇计划并从哈里顿和凯蒂的眼中看到爱和凯瑟林的影子时,他终于恢复了一点人性。本篇论文描述了希斯克里夫的惨无人道,卑劣的报复行为,进而找出其实施报复的原因,并揭示仇恨不可能主宰世界,爱是仇恨的解药也是人类社会的最终归宿。人类不可能在仇恨,复仇的同时获得真正的幸福。相反,宽容,原谅才识最好的良药。
关键词:爱 ,恨,复仇
Heathcliff is an orphan with unknown family background. By chance, he is picked up and adopted by old Earnshaw. Earnshaw’ s dote on Heathcliff leads Hindley’ s jealousy and resentment. After Earnshaw’ s death, Hindley begins to persecute Heathcliff. During the revolt, the love between Heathcliff and Catherine develops. But due to some worldly reasons, Catherine finally betrays Heathcliff and their love. All the sorrow leads him to fulfill his crazy plans of revenge. But when he accomplishes his revenge and catches the love between Cathy and Hareton and their resemblance to Catherine, humanity finally returns to him. This paper depicts Heathcliff’ s cruel and mean revenge, and tries to find the reasons behind his revenge.
1. The revenge Heathcliff takes
1.1 General accounts about Wuthering Heights and Heathcliff
1.2 His revenge on Hindley
1.2.1 Possession of Hindley’s property
1.2.2 Efforts of making Hindley’s son degenerate
1.3 His revenge on Linton
1.3.1 Maltreatment to Linton’s sister Isabella
1.3.2 Efforts of making Linton’s daughter marring his sickly son
and possession of Linton’s property
2. The reasons of Heathcliff’s revenge
2.1 His initial idea of revenge rising from Hindley’s maltreatment
2.2 Catherine’s betrayal being the direct cause
2.2.1 The beginning and developing of their love
2.2.2 The betrayal of Catherine
2. 3 His inability to forgive others and comprise withy others
3. Several problems reflected through Heathcliff’s revenge
3. 1. His unhappiness after accomplishing the revenge
3. 2. The ability love melts hatred
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