电子商务对国际贸易的影响,页数 17字数 13039摘要:随着网络经济的迅猛发展,电子商务必将成为世界贸易发展的主流趋势。电子商务是创新经济,他创造了一个以信息为媒介的、全球的网上虚拟市场,形成了新的国际贸易运行机制,改变了某些公司在传统国际贸易运行机制下难以克服的区位劣势和竞争劣势。当然,电子商务也将进一步加剧国际贸易...

此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布
页数 17 字数 13039
另一方面,信息系统的互通性亦为电子商务拓展的重要课题。为了促进电子商务信息的交换,许多的产业或信息科技工作者均致力于产业间共同标准的制订,以整合各项信息科技软硬件的技术,使得不同企业间的信息可以相互的交流,增加产业能见度,也因此近年来企业电子化的方向也逐渐由以企业内部为主的企业资源规划系统(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP),转变成以连结产业价值链中各成员为主之供应链管理系统(Supply Chain Management,SCM)。
我国产业结构主要为以代工形态及进出口贸易为主,与世界各国企业间的贸易联系密切, 国内近几年来在政府与民间的共同努力下,积极发展电子商务,各项与电子商务有关的基础建设、产业电子化以及软硬件厂商的辅导等,均有相关配套措施来逐步推广。如推行有关电子产业供应链相关的A、B计划乃至于最新推动的有关资金流、物流以及协同设计的C、D、E计划等,均期许未来我国的电子商务发展能与国际企业接轨。
With the rapid development of net economy,E-business will become the mainstream of global trade's development.E-business is creative economy,and it creates global vital market with information worked as media.Subsequentely,new operating system? of internatonal trade is forming,and it relieves the unovercomed region disadvantage and competition disadvantage of some companies in traditional operating system of internatonal trade.Of course,E-business also would foster fierce competition of international trade because all the companies could freely choose the best suppliers around the world.
In view to electronic commerce's great influence on the industrial structure, business model and international trade, every country might concentrate on the infrastructure of information technology,growth of talented person on soft hardware and how to promote the property,so as to enhance the competition ability of electronic commerce aspect in the property field. Although nowadays electronic commerce tends to be popular, with the spread of information technology there is big problem with arithmetic figure shorting among different nations, regions, business enterprises even individuals, arithmetic figure shorting phenomenon has been badly aggravated by the promoting of electronic commerce and multinational trade.
The main idea of electronic commerce focus on the information exchange and spreading, the perfect internal electronics of business enterprise only has some help to its homework process, once facing on the double exchange of information exchange and spread ,its contribution is very limited. Therefore, in order to understand the capability of suppliers or customers in the electronic commerce applying, it also becomes very important for the business enterprise engaged in the electronic commerce. Being engaged in the internal information management has little help to the expansion of electronic commerce,such as the business field byword ,the early facsimile machine nealy has no effect because at that time there's no other equipments could communicate with it and present its function of information exchange.
Key Words:
E-business ; international trade; vital market; source of value
目 录
导 论 ………………………………………………………………………………………(1)第1章 虚拟市场的形成 ………………………………………………………………(1)
第2章 电子商务的价值源之于国际贸易 ………………………………………(2)
2.1 效率…………………………………………………………………………………(2)
2.2 互补…………………………………………………………………………………(2)
2.2.1 垂直互补与水平互补………………………………………………………(2)
2.2.2 网上与网下的互补…………………………………………………………(3)
2.3 壁垒…………………………………………………………………………………(4)
2.4 创新…………………………………………………………………………………(4)
第3章 电子商务使国际贸易的运作环境发生变化 …………………………(5)
第4章 电子商务使国际贸易业务流程面临转型 ……………………………(6)
4.1 传统的以交易流程为核心的外贸企业向以服务为核心的服务型企业转变……(6)
4.2 由人为垄断优势到自然竞争优势的转变…………………………………………(6)
4.3 由分散管理到集中管理的转变……………………………………………………(6)
第5章 电子商务将使国际贸易的竞争方式有所不同 ………………………(7)
第6章 电子商务促进中小企业更好地进入国际市场 ……………………(7)
第7章 电子商务将使传统中介型外贸企业的地位逐渐削弱 ……………(8)
第8章 电子商务将使国际贸易的监管方式发生变化 ………………………(8)
第9章 电子商务与国际贸易的地区差异性 ……………………………………(8)
第10章 全球运筹体系与经营管理的重要性 …………………………………(9)
结 论 ……………………………………………………………………………………(10)
[1] 郑健德. 电子商务与国际贸易. 北京: 中国国际电子商务中心, 2001.
[2] 孙丽云,燕春蓉. 国际电子商务与传统国际贸易实务之比较[J]. 国际贸易问题, 2001, (12).
[3] 樊茂勇,王海东. 电子商务对国际贸易的影响[J]. 国际贸易问题, 2001, (12).
[4] 黎孝先. 国际贸易实务[M].(第三版) 北京: 对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2000.
[5] 方美琪. 电子商务概论[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2002.
页数 17 字数 13039
另一方面,信息系统的互通性亦为电子商务拓展的重要课题。为了促进电子商务信息的交换,许多的产业或信息科技工作者均致力于产业间共同标准的制订,以整合各项信息科技软硬件的技术,使得不同企业间的信息可以相互的交流,增加产业能见度,也因此近年来企业电子化的方向也逐渐由以企业内部为主的企业资源规划系统(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP),转变成以连结产业价值链中各成员为主之供应链管理系统(Supply Chain Management,SCM)。
我国产业结构主要为以代工形态及进出口贸易为主,与世界各国企业间的贸易联系密切, 国内近几年来在政府与民间的共同努力下,积极发展电子商务,各项与电子商务有关的基础建设、产业电子化以及软硬件厂商的辅导等,均有相关配套措施来逐步推广。如推行有关电子产业供应链相关的A、B计划乃至于最新推动的有关资金流、物流以及协同设计的C、D、E计划等,均期许未来我国的电子商务发展能与国际企业接轨。
With the rapid development of net economy,E-business will become the mainstream of global trade's development.E-business is creative economy,and it creates global vital market with information worked as media.Subsequentely,new operating system? of internatonal trade is forming,and it relieves the unovercomed region disadvantage and competition disadvantage of some companies in traditional operating system of internatonal trade.Of course,E-business also would foster fierce competition of international trade because all the companies could freely choose the best suppliers around the world.
In view to electronic commerce's great influence on the industrial structure, business model and international trade, every country might concentrate on the infrastructure of information technology,growth of talented person on soft hardware and how to promote the property,so as to enhance the competition ability of electronic commerce aspect in the property field. Although nowadays electronic commerce tends to be popular, with the spread of information technology there is big problem with arithmetic figure shorting among different nations, regions, business enterprises even individuals, arithmetic figure shorting phenomenon has been badly aggravated by the promoting of electronic commerce and multinational trade.
The main idea of electronic commerce focus on the information exchange and spreading, the perfect internal electronics of business enterprise only has some help to its homework process, once facing on the double exchange of information exchange and spread ,its contribution is very limited. Therefore, in order to understand the capability of suppliers or customers in the electronic commerce applying, it also becomes very important for the business enterprise engaged in the electronic commerce. Being engaged in the internal information management has little help to the expansion of electronic commerce,such as the business field byword ,the early facsimile machine nealy has no effect because at that time there's no other equipments could communicate with it and present its function of information exchange.
Key Words:
E-business ; international trade; vital market; source of value
目 录
导 论 ………………………………………………………………………………………(1)第1章 虚拟市场的形成 ………………………………………………………………(1)
第2章 电子商务的价值源之于国际贸易 ………………………………………(2)
2.1 效率…………………………………………………………………………………(2)
2.2 互补…………………………………………………………………………………(2)
2.2.1 垂直互补与水平互补………………………………………………………(2)
2.2.2 网上与网下的互补…………………………………………………………(3)
2.3 壁垒…………………………………………………………………………………(4)
2.4 创新…………………………………………………………………………………(4)
第3章 电子商务使国际贸易的运作环境发生变化 …………………………(5)
第4章 电子商务使国际贸易业务流程面临转型 ……………………………(6)
4.1 传统的以交易流程为核心的外贸企业向以服务为核心的服务型企业转变……(6)
4.2 由人为垄断优势到自然竞争优势的转变…………………………………………(6)
4.3 由分散管理到集中管理的转变……………………………………………………(6)
第5章 电子商务将使国际贸易的竞争方式有所不同 ………………………(7)
第6章 电子商务促进中小企业更好地进入国际市场 ……………………(7)
第7章 电子商务将使传统中介型外贸企业的地位逐渐削弱 ……………(8)
第8章 电子商务将使国际贸易的监管方式发生变化 ………………………(8)
第9章 电子商务与国际贸易的地区差异性 ……………………………………(8)
第10章 全球运筹体系与经营管理的重要性 …………………………………(9)
结 论 ……………………………………………………………………………………(10)
[1] 郑健德. 电子商务与国际贸易. 北京: 中国国际电子商务中心, 2001.
[2] 孙丽云,燕春蓉. 国际电子商务与传统国际贸易实务之比较[J]. 国际贸易问题, 2001, (12).
[3] 樊茂勇,王海东. 电子商务对国际贸易的影响[J]. 国际贸易问题, 2001, (12).
[4] 黎孝先. 国际贸易实务[M].(第三版) 北京: 对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2000.
[5] 方美琪. 电子商务概论[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2002.