

教务管理系统开发,页数 68 字数 23423摘要本文系统论述了使用visual studio.net开发教务管理系统的设计方法与实现过程,并对其中的关键技术作了较为详细的说明。主要是针对教务管理系统中数据的录入、数据的查询和修改、数据管理等几个方面进行介绍。论文按照系统可行性分析、系统需求分析、系统数据库设计、系统概要...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 张阳阳 发布


页数 68 字数 23423


本文系统论述了使用Visual Studio.NET开发教务管理系统的设计方法与实现过程,并对其中的关键技术作了较为详细的说明。主要是针对教务管理系统中数据的录入、数据的查询和修改、数据管理等几个方面进行介绍。
教务管理是学校整个管理整个过程的关键一环,教务工作的正常与否关系到整个学校的正常运行。在信息时代将计算机技术特别是网络应用技术与经典管理理论结合起来是很重要的,本系统正是这二者的结合。本系统采用浏览器/服务器系统结构,使用Microsoft 公司的Visual Studio.NET 作为其开发工具,用Microsoft 公司的SQL Server 2000作为数据库平台。本文从软件工程的角度系统地描述了整个系统的开发过程,比如Web应用程序界面的设计、程序功能的实现以及数据库的开发等等。整个系统基本包括了经典教务管理的内容,将理论与实践较好地结合在一起。

关键词:教务管理,Visual Studio.NET,SQL Server 2000,

This article mainly describes the design and realization method of Educational administration Management System by Visual Studio.NET,and analyses the key technology in detail . This management system contains four function modules, including input of data.
The article expands the procedure of feasibility analyse, analyse of the system requirement,realization of the system, debugging and testing the system and so on.the procedure is according to Software Engineer.
Educational administration management is one of the key in enterprise process of the whole school’s management,we can judge the whole school’s work by the educational administration management.It is very important to combine sutra management theory with computer technology especially network appliance technology in information time, the system is the combination of both. This system builds on Browser/Sever architecture .The software is developed by Visual Studio.NET and the database platform is SQL Sever 2000. This paper describe the developing process of the program systematically as software engineering required ,such as the design of the Web application program interface 、the development of the database and so on.This system not only includes the aspects of the sutra Educational administration Management but also satisfies the given user’s needs. In another words this system is the combination of theory and practice.
Keywords: Educational administration Management, Visual Studio.NET,SQL Server 2000

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