新经济宽带ip城域网建设接入方案,新经济宽带ip城域网建设接入方案页数 10 字数 7218摘 要交换以太网是新近发展起来的先进网络技术。它在保证与传统以太网协议兼容的前提下,提高网络利用率,减少网络资源争夺造成的冲突,使网络性能大幅度提高,以满足各类数据信息传输的要求。以交换以太网技术为架构的新经济宽带ip城域网建设接入方案,使网络运行变得更加高效,...

此文档由会员 孙阳阳 发布
页数 10 字数 7218
摘 要
Switched Ethernet is the advanced network technology. Switched Ethernet may improve the rate of using and may reduce contention collision during the message transmitting on the channel based on the traditional Ethernet protocol. It can also improve the network performance great to satisfy all kinds of information. The IP MAN project, based on Switched Ethernet technology, is getting more effective and usability while the message is transferred on the physical media. Switched Ethernet supplies multi-means to improve the management of network and cut down complex degree or costs of network maintenance so that the proprietors construct network reasonable costs. Switched Ethernet embodies economical principle by flexible counts.
The key word: Switched Ethernet,The IP MAN ,Management of network
《多协议标签交换技术和应用》2001-1-1 (美)Bruce Davie/Yakov 机械工业出版社
《思科网络技术学院教程》 2002-2-1 (美) Vito Amato 人民邮电出版社
《宽带城域网建设和管理》 2001-11-1 修文群 科学出版社
《宽带接入网络》 2002-4-1 李明琪 科学出版社
《网络规划教程》 2002-3-1 赵小林 国防工业出版社
页数 10 字数 7218
摘 要
Switched Ethernet is the advanced network technology. Switched Ethernet may improve the rate of using and may reduce contention collision during the message transmitting on the channel based on the traditional Ethernet protocol. It can also improve the network performance great to satisfy all kinds of information. The IP MAN project, based on Switched Ethernet technology, is getting more effective and usability while the message is transferred on the physical media. Switched Ethernet supplies multi-means to improve the management of network and cut down complex degree or costs of network maintenance so that the proprietors construct network reasonable costs. Switched Ethernet embodies economical principle by flexible counts.
The key word: Switched Ethernet,The IP MAN ,Management of network
《多协议标签交换技术和应用》2001-1-1 (美)Bruce Davie/Yakov 机械工业出版社
《思科网络技术学院教程》 2002-2-1 (美) Vito Amato 人民邮电出版社
《宽带城域网建设和管理》 2001-11-1 修文群 科学出版社
《宽带接入网络》 2002-4-1 李明琪 科学出版社
《网络规划教程》 2002-3-1 赵小林 国防工业出版社