

城郊中心村规划建设基本思路,页数 14字数 14626 【摘要】城郊中心村与其他村庄聚落相比,具有特殊的职能作用。把城郊中心村规划好、建设好,不仅可为本村居民提供生产、生活服务,而且还能为周边居民的生产、生活提供一些最基本的服务。可见搞好城郊中心村的规划建设是非常必要的。本文以广州市黄埔区文冲村为例,通过分析城郊中心村的...
分类: 论文>社会学论文


此文档由会员 赵亮 发布


页数 14 字数 14626


【关键词】 中心村,村庄建设,规划,城郊

Abstract Comparing with other villages,central villages in suburb have special function。It offers not only services to the local resident, but also some basic service to the surrounded resident to plan and build the central villages well。This article exemplifies Wenchong village in Huangpu district, Guangzhou and demonstrate problems which is confronted in the midst of its construction and developing process according to analysis of basic features of suburban central villages, and hence we try to find its basic thinking methods of planning and construction, and come up with some personal opinion in theory and in practice by aspect of development and construction of suburban central villages。

Keyword Central Village, Village Construction, Planning, Suburb