pragmatic analysis on euphemism and its.doc


pragmatic analysis on euphemism and its,pragmatic analysis on euphemism and its translation页数 7 字数 3875摘要:在原作者,译者,读者的关系链中,译者处于一个中介人的位置(方梦之,2002),从语用学角度分析,其实也就是同时处于交际三角中的“受众”与“写作者/演讲者”的两角。本文拟用语用学中的基本原理...
分类: 论文>英语论文


此文档由会员 赵亮 发布

Pragmatic Analysis on Euphemism and Its Translation

页数 7 字数 3875

摘要:在原作者,译者,读者的关系链中,译者处于一个中介人的位置(方梦之,2002),从语用学角度分析,其实也就是同时处于交际三角中的“受众”与“写作者/演讲者”的两角。本文拟用语用学中的基本原理,从委婉语这一修辞格的形成(写作者/演讲者)和接受 (受众)这两极出发,探讨与委婉语相关的语用因素,着重探讨译者在翻译过程中如何理解并翻译委婉语。

Abstract: In the communicating chain between the author, translator and reader, the translator acts as an intermediary, or as the receiptor and speaker/writer simultaneously in the communication triangle in terms of pragmatism. Based on the principles of pragmatism, this paper aims to discuss the pragmatic elements of euphemism by studying the formation ( writer/speaker ) and receipt (receiptor ). It emphasizes how the translator understands and translates euphemism during the translation process.

Keywords: euphemism, pragmatic principles

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