
原文档由会员 精品分享 发布电子商务环境下的雅威服装物流分析与研究(含开题、论文、答辩ppt)
In recent years, the rapid development of China's garment industry has made noteworthy progress in the world, but at the same time garment manufacturing enterprises are faced with extremely fierce competition, a large number of garment enterprises to reduce costs are also exploring new ways to raise profit. Modern Logistics rely on its strong information network, professional mode of operation, highly efficient distribution system and comprehensive service delivery model, have increased in frequency of circulation of products, reduce inventory costs show a great talent. However, in e-commerce in full swing today, many apparel companies have not resolved the problem of logistics, cargo delivery of e-commerce environment is still under development of the logistics bottleneck. To this end, the needs of China's garment industry in e-business environment under the logistics status quo, analysis of existing problems and find measures to solve the problem.
This paper is the analysis of e-business environment and prospects for the development of logistics industry in China's logistics industry is currently facing the problem, Yawei apparel companies in understanding the original model on the basis of logistics, from the actual situation and propose a cost-effective solution Yawei distribution of countermeasures.
Keywords: clothes trade;E-commerce;distribution;countermeasure
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 研究方法和思路 1
1.4 论文的组织结构 2
2 电子商务及物流概述 3
2.1 电子商务概述 3
2.1.1 电子商务的概念 3
2.1.2 电子商务对服装行业带来的好处与冲击 3
2.2 电子商务下物流概述 4
2.2.1 电子商务下的物流的涵义 4
2.2.2 电子商务与物流的关系 4
2.2.3 电子商务对物流的影响 4
2.2.4 搞好电子商务下物流给服装行业各环节带来的影响 6
3 雅威制衣有限公司概况 8
3.1 公司简介 8
3.2 品牌起源 8
3.3 品牌诠释 8
3.4 运营状况 9
4 国内外电子商务环境下的物流状况分析 11
4.1 西方国家电子商务环境下的物流发展现状 11
4.2 我国电子商务环境下的物流发展现状 11
4.2.1 我国电子商务环境下物流的发展状况 11
4.2.2 我国绿色物流与国际上先进国家的差距 12
4.3 我国电子商务下的物流发展存在的问题及发展思路 13
4.3.1 我国电子商务下的物流存在的主要问题 13
4.3.2 我国物流业的发展思路 15
5 电子商务环境下雅威服装公司物流分析 17
5.1 雅威服装公司在物流方面存在的问题 17
5.1.1 采购方面 17
5.1.2 库存方面 17
5.1.3 配送方面 17
5.2 原因分析 17
6 电子商务环境下雅威公司的物流对策 19
6.1 采用现代信息技术推进物流配送领域信息系统建设 19
6.1.1 推进雅威公司敏捷化改造 19
6.2 强化物流管理,提高科学的物流管理水平 20
6.3 加强供应链的建立和管理 20
6.4 着眼于雅威未来的发展,充分利用第三方物流企业 20
7 结论 21
附录A 译文 25
附录B 外文文献………………………………………………………………...36