臂丛神经损伤及其诊断方法比较,页数 7字数 4760摘要:臂丛神经损伤是常见的周围神经损伤性病症,早期诊断对其治疗和预后都极为重要。然而臂丛神经损伤情况复杂,诊断存在一定困难。本文简要介绍了臂丛神经损伤的病因和分类,比较了常见的诊断臂丛神经损伤的方法,分析了他们各自的优缺点,结论认为目前阶段体格检查和电生理检查仍应为臂丛...

此文档由会员 李亮亮 发布
页数 7 字数 4760
Abstract: Injuries of the brachial plexus are frequently observed in the cases of peripheral never injuries. Diagnosis in early period is extremely important for the treatment and prognosis. However, due to the complexity of the situations, difficulties exist in the process of diagnosis. This paper gave a brief introduction to the causes and classifications of the brachial plexus injuries. It compared the diagnostic methods of present, analyzed their advantages and shortages, and finally reached the conclusion that the physical inspection and electrophysiologic study were still the key methods, while the imaging methods would be relatively important in the future.
Key words: Brachial Plexus Injuries; Electroneuromyography; Motor and Sensory Nerve Conduction; Imaging
1. 许扬滨,朱家恺,梁碧玲,高明勇. 臂丛神经损伤的核磁共振诊断及影像特点. 中华显微外科杂志. 1997(20): 107-109.
2. 柏树令. 系统解剖学. 北京: 人民卫生出版社. 2002: 385-391.
3. 杨亭,杨克非,金亚娣等. 根性臂丛神经损伤的电生理研究及与治疗的关系(附376例分析). 中华手外科杂志. 1995(11): 168-170.
4. 许虹,刘磊,刘庆. 84例臂丛神经损伤的电生理诊断. 云南医药. 1994(15): 245-246.
5. 江滨,张寿林,黄金祥等. 175名二硫化碳作业工人神经肌电图分析. 卫生研究. 1998(27): 84-86.
页数 7 字数 4760
Abstract: Injuries of the brachial plexus are frequently observed in the cases of peripheral never injuries. Diagnosis in early period is extremely important for the treatment and prognosis. However, due to the complexity of the situations, difficulties exist in the process of diagnosis. This paper gave a brief introduction to the causes and classifications of the brachial plexus injuries. It compared the diagnostic methods of present, analyzed their advantages and shortages, and finally reached the conclusion that the physical inspection and electrophysiologic study were still the key methods, while the imaging methods would be relatively important in the future.
Key words: Brachial Plexus Injuries; Electroneuromyography; Motor and Sensory Nerve Conduction; Imaging
1. 许扬滨,朱家恺,梁碧玲,高明勇. 臂丛神经损伤的核磁共振诊断及影像特点. 中华显微外科杂志. 1997(20): 107-109.
2. 柏树令. 系统解剖学. 北京: 人民卫生出版社. 2002: 385-391.
3. 杨亭,杨克非,金亚娣等. 根性臂丛神经损伤的电生理研究及与治疗的关系(附376例分析). 中华手外科杂志. 1995(11): 168-170.
4. 许虹,刘磊,刘庆. 84例臂丛神经损伤的电生理诊断. 云南医药. 1994(15): 245-246.
5. 江滨,张寿林,黄金祥等. 175名二硫化碳作业工人神经肌电图分析. 卫生研究. 1998(27): 84-86.