不规则形状图象矩特征的一种快速准确算法,本文共计6页,2436字;摘要介绍了一种基于边缘点计算矩特征的方法,该算法实现思路清晰,编程实现简单,结果准确,且可应用到其他形状特征的计算中。关键词:矩,不变矩,不规则形状,特征提取,逐象素,freeman链码 a fast and precision method for mo...
此文档由会员 霜天盈月 发布
摘要 介绍了一种基于边缘点计算矩特征的方法,该算法实现思路清晰,编程实现简单,结果准确,且可应用到其他形状特征的计算中。
A Fast And Precision Method For Moment Computation Of Non-regular Shape Image
YAO Chun-guang, GU Yi-ming,MA Qi,LIANG Guang-ming
(College of Electronic Science and Engineering, National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)
Abstract:This paper proposes a approach for the computation of moment based on edge dots .The algorithm is explicit when coming into realization and simple when programming,and the results are accurate.The approach can also be used in computation of other similar features.
0 引 言
1 边界象素点标注
2 算法原理分析
3 实验结果分析
3 结论
部分参 考 文 献
[1] Recognition ,1987,20(6):639-643.
[2] B.C.Li. A new computation of geometric moments[J].Pattern Recognition,1993,26:109-113.
[3] J.G.Leu. Computing a shape’s moments from its boundary[J].Pattern Recognition,1991,24:949-957.
[4] Jiang X Y,Bunke H.Simple and fast computation of moments.Pattern Recogniton,1991,24(8):801-806
[5] 李波,刘东华等.一种计算任意形状封闭区域面积的新方法[J].国防科技大学学报.2002,24(4):61~64
摘要 介绍了一种基于边缘点计算矩特征的方法,该算法实现思路清晰,编程实现简单,结果准确,且可应用到其他形状特征的计算中。
A Fast And Precision Method For Moment Computation Of Non-regular Shape Image
YAO Chun-guang, GU Yi-ming,MA Qi,LIANG Guang-ming
(College of Electronic Science and Engineering, National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)
Abstract:This paper proposes a approach for the computation of moment based on edge dots .The algorithm is explicit when coming into realization and simple when programming,and the results are accurate.The approach can also be used in computation of other similar features.
0 引 言
1 边界象素点标注
2 算法原理分析
3 实验结果分析
3 结论
部分参 考 文 献
[1] Recognition ,1987,20(6):639-643.
[2] B.C.Li. A new computation of geometric moments[J].Pattern Recognition,1993,26:109-113.
[3] J.G.Leu. Computing a shape’s moments from its boundary[J].Pattern Recognition,1991,24:949-957.
[4] Jiang X Y,Bunke H.Simple and fast computation of moments.Pattern Recogniton,1991,24(8):801-806
[5] 李波,刘东华等.一种计算任意形状封闭区域面积的新方法[J].国防科技大学学报.2002,24(4):61~64