此文档由会员 baobee 发布
The ultrasonic distance measuring technology is free of light effect, and has advantages of simple structure, low costs, simple reliable information processing etc; it also has certain adaptive capacity for measured things which are in abominable environment, such as dark, poisonous, smoggy. Hence, this technology is widely applied. This paper has presented a microcontroller-based single-pulse reflection ultrasonic distance measuring system. The ultrasonic sensor’s basic principle and characteristics are expounded in the paper, regarding the range measuring system ultrasonic wave frequency, the signal pulse, the component models and so on the main parameter has carried on the discussion; and in the foundation of introducing ultrasonic distance measuring system functions, the total system constitution was proposed and hardware design proposal of the system launching, receiving, examination and displaying modules are demonstrated. According to the system requests, the system the algorithm is designed by modular the programming mentality, the ultrasonic launching and the distance-amplitude displaying function is completed. Finally through software and hardware synthesis debugging, the basic measuring function of the system in short range is realized.
Key words : Ultrasonic distance measuring, Sensors, Microcontroller
目 录
第 1 章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 课题意义 1
1.3 设计及论文主要内容 2
第2章 超声测距基本原理 3
2.1 超声测距系统的基本原理 3
2.2 超声波换能器 4
2.3 超声波换能器特性 5
第3章 超声测距系统的总体设计与方案比较 8
3.1 信号源的产生 8
3.2 接收信号前置放大 10
3.3 带通滤波器 10
3.4 自动增益放大电路 11
3.5 峰值检出及门限检测 11
第4章 超声测距系统硬件实现 13
4.1 系统电源设计 13
4.2 微处理器选择 14
4.2.1 微处理器简介 14
4.2.2 单片机控制系统设计 15
4.3 超声换能器的选择 17
4.4 超声测距主要电路实现 18
4.4.1 超声波发射电路设计 18
4.4.2 超声波接收电路设计 20
4.4.3 显示单元设计 21
第5 章 系统软件设计 23
5.1 程序设计 23
5.2 程序实现 23
第6章 系统调试与误差分析 25
6.1 系统调试 25
6.2 误差分析与改进方法 27
6.2.1 发射角和入射角对接收信号的影响 27
6.2.2 声速变化引起的误差 27
6.2.3 时间计量误差 27
6.2.4 超声探头摆放位置的影响 27
结论 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30
附录1 超声测距实现主要源程序代码 31
附录2 实物图 35
附录3 电路图 36
[1] 胡建恺,张谦琳等著.超声检测原理和方法[M].合肥:科学技术大学出版社.1993:58-75.
[2] 袁易全著.超声换能器[M].南京:南京大学出版社.1992,9:68-96.
[3] 姜志海,黄玉清等著.单片机原理及应用[M].北京:电子工业出版社.2005,7:63-102.
[4] 邓长明,宿小辉著.小功率直流高压电源模块制作工艺[J].电子工艺技术.2000,9(21):32-35.
[5] 康华光,陈大钦著.电子技术基础(模拟部分)[M].北京:高等教育出版社.1999,6:35-89.
[6] 边春远等著.MCS-51单片机应用开发实用子程序[M].北京:人民邮电出版社.2005,9:78-148.
[7] 丁镇生著.传感及其遥控遥测技术应用[J].北京:电子工业出版社 .2003,1:45-78.
[8] 路锦正,王建勤等. 超声波测距仪的设计[J]. 传感器技术 .2002,8:64-69.
[9] 简盈,王跃科,潘仲明.超声换能器驱动电路及回波接收电路的设计[J].电子技术应用.2004,11:45-49.
[10] 李鸣华,余水宝. 单片机在超声波料位测量中的应用[J]. 电子技术应用.1998,9:12-20.
[11] 陈莹.基于单片机的超声测距系统[D].武汉:华中科技大学,2004:36-42.
[12] 王红梅.高分辨力超声测距方法的研究[D].青岛:山东科技大学,2004:43-45.
[13] 贾宝贤,边文凤.压电超声换能器得应用与发展[J].压电与声光.2005,27(2):23-30.
[14] 沈俊霞,杨德.单片机在超声测距中的一种应用[J].电子科技.2005,5:73-75.
[15] T.Tanzawa,N.Kiyohiro.The ultrasonic range finder for outdoor mobile robots[J]. IEEE Computer Socity.1995,3:24-31.
[16] Jack Blitg,GeoffSimpson. Ultrasonic Methods of Nondestructive Testing[M]. Chapman & Hall, 1996:42-45.
[17] Byrne G, Dornfeld D. Tool condition monitoring (TCM)-The status of research and industrial application[J]. Annals of the CIRP, 1995, 44(2) :24-25.
[18] Figueroa J F,Doussis E. A hardware2level method to improve the range and accuracy of an ultrasonic ranging system[J]. ACUSTICA ,1993 ,78:226 - 232.
The ultrasonic distance measuring technology is free of light effect, and has advantages of simple structure, low costs, simple reliable information processing etc; it also has certain adaptive capacity for measured things which are in abominable environment, such as dark, poisonous, smoggy. Hence, this technology is widely applied. This paper has presented a microcontroller-based single-pulse reflection ultrasonic distance measuring system. The ultrasonic sensor’s basic principle and characteristics are expounded in the paper, regarding the range measuring system ultrasonic wave frequency, the signal pulse, the component models and so on the main parameter has carried on the discussion; and in the foundation of introducing ultrasonic distance measuring system functions, the total system constitution was proposed and hardware design proposal of the system launching, receiving, examination and displaying modules are demonstrated. According to the system requests, the system the algorithm is designed by modular the programming mentality, the ultrasonic launching and the distance-amplitude displaying function is completed. Finally through software and hardware synthesis debugging, the basic measuring function of the system in short range is realized.
Key words : Ultrasonic distance measuring, Sensors, Microcontroller
目 录
第 1 章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 课题意义 1
1.3 设计及论文主要内容 2
第2章 超声测距基本原理 3
2.1 超声测距系统的基本原理 3
2.2 超声波换能器 4
2.3 超声波换能器特性 5
第3章 超声测距系统的总体设计与方案比较 8
3.1 信号源的产生 8
3.2 接收信号前置放大 10
3.3 带通滤波器 10
3.4 自动增益放大电路 11
3.5 峰值检出及门限检测 11
第4章 超声测距系统硬件实现 13
4.1 系统电源设计 13
4.2 微处理器选择 14
4.2.1 微处理器简介 14
4.2.2 单片机控制系统设计 15
4.3 超声换能器的选择 17
4.4 超声测距主要电路实现 18
4.4.1 超声波发射电路设计 18
4.4.2 超声波接收电路设计 20
4.4.3 显示单元设计 21
第5 章 系统软件设计 23
5.1 程序设计 23
5.2 程序实现 23
第6章 系统调试与误差分析 25
6.1 系统调试 25
6.2 误差分析与改进方法 27
6.2.1 发射角和入射角对接收信号的影响 27
6.2.2 声速变化引起的误差 27
6.2.3 时间计量误差 27
6.2.4 超声探头摆放位置的影响 27
结论 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30
附录1 超声测距实现主要源程序代码 31
附录2 实物图 35
附录3 电路图 36
[1] 胡建恺,张谦琳等著.超声检测原理和方法[M].合肥:科学技术大学出版社.1993:58-75.
[2] 袁易全著.超声换能器[M].南京:南京大学出版社.1992,9:68-96.
[3] 姜志海,黄玉清等著.单片机原理及应用[M].北京:电子工业出版社.2005,7:63-102.
[4] 邓长明,宿小辉著.小功率直流高压电源模块制作工艺[J].电子工艺技术.2000,9(21):32-35.
[5] 康华光,陈大钦著.电子技术基础(模拟部分)[M].北京:高等教育出版社.1999,6:35-89.
[6] 边春远等著.MCS-51单片机应用开发实用子程序[M].北京:人民邮电出版社.2005,9:78-148.
[7] 丁镇生著.传感及其遥控遥测技术应用[J].北京:电子工业出版社 .2003,1:45-78.
[8] 路锦正,王建勤等. 超声波测距仪的设计[J]. 传感器技术 .2002,8:64-69.
[9] 简盈,王跃科,潘仲明.超声换能器驱动电路及回波接收电路的设计[J].电子技术应用.2004,11:45-49.
[10] 李鸣华,余水宝. 单片机在超声波料位测量中的应用[J]. 电子技术应用.1998,9:12-20.
[11] 陈莹.基于单片机的超声测距系统[D].武汉:华中科技大学,2004:36-42.
[12] 王红梅.高分辨力超声测距方法的研究[D].青岛:山东科技大学,2004:43-45.
[13] 贾宝贤,边文凤.压电超声换能器得应用与发展[J].压电与声光.2005,27(2):23-30.
[14] 沈俊霞,杨德.单片机在超声测距中的一种应用[J].电子科技.2005,5:73-75.
[15] T.Tanzawa,N.Kiyohiro.The ultrasonic range finder for outdoor mobile robots[J]. IEEE Computer Socity.1995,3:24-31.
[16] Jack Blitg,GeoffSimpson. Ultrasonic Methods of Nondestructive Testing[M]. Chapman & Hall, 1996:42-45.
[17] Byrne G, Dornfeld D. Tool condition monitoring (TCM)-The status of research and industrial application[J]. Annals of the CIRP, 1995, 44(2) :24-25.
[18] Figueroa J F,Doussis E. A hardware2level method to improve the range and accuracy of an ultrasonic ranging system[J]. ACUSTICA ,1993 ,78:226 - 232.