整体网络设计方案,页数 37 字数 17988摘要在参与衡阳市政府信息网工程的过程中,以为研究对象,研究了此项目的组网技术,网络拓扑结构以及所选用的设备。本项目的总体目标是建成一个“一个中心、内外两网、多平台、跨部门、互联互通、信息共享”的“衡阳市党政信息网”。网络主干采用千兆以太网,100m到桌面。网络...

此文档由会员 赵亮 发布
页数 37 字数 17988
关键字 :局域网,以太网,拓扑结构,交换机,布线系统。
This paper describe the whole program of informational project of the goverment of HengYang, including the technology of network, Top structure of net, the choice of the device,and some of my own experience.
The main target of this program is to build up a information net of communism and goverment which has one centre ,two nets(a internal net and a external net),multiple platforms,and crossing over deparment,interconnecting,information sharing.
The main item of the network employ 1000M Ethernet,100M to desktop.the top stucture of the network is star structure which use fiber and double-cross line.the fiber covers the courtyard,the multi-storied building and the story.
The whole network is made up of internal net and external net which has its own line and phisicalt isolation. The central platform of the two network is set up at net_controlled centre which is on the 7th floor of the new government office building.They are all connected with fiber.the other departments's switchboard of central net room are connected with fiber.Each node's horizontal distribute system all use hyper-utptwisted-pair,The composite distribute project include 359 information nodes, the core net user groups separate into 11 nodes.
Key word: lan, switch, earthnet work, pds,
1. 李慧文,何占清编。Network网络工程布线。北京:电子工业出版社,1998
2. Robert Breyer&Sean Riley. 交换式以太网和快速型以太网。北京:电子工业出版社,1995译
3. 黎连业。网络工程与综合布线系统。清华大学出版社,1997
4. 黎连业。网络综合布线系统和施工技术。机械工业出版社,2000
5. 宋健锋。综合布线工程实用设计施工手册。中国建筑工业出版社。2000
页数 37 字数 17988
关键字 :局域网,以太网,拓扑结构,交换机,布线系统。
This paper describe the whole program of informational project of the goverment of HengYang, including the technology of network, Top structure of net, the choice of the device,and some of my own experience.
The main target of this program is to build up a information net of communism and goverment which has one centre ,two nets(a internal net and a external net),multiple platforms,and crossing over deparment,interconnecting,information sharing.
The main item of the network employ 1000M Ethernet,100M to desktop.the top stucture of the network is star structure which use fiber and double-cross line.the fiber covers the courtyard,the multi-storied building and the story.
The whole network is made up of internal net and external net which has its own line and phisicalt isolation. The central platform of the two network is set up at net_controlled centre which is on the 7th floor of the new government office building.They are all connected with fiber.the other departments's switchboard of central net room are connected with fiber.Each node's horizontal distribute system all use hyper-utptwisted-pair,The composite distribute project include 359 information nodes, the core net user groups separate into 11 nodes.
Key word: lan, switch, earthnet work, pds,
1. 李慧文,何占清编。Network网络工程布线。北京:电子工业出版社,1998
2. Robert Breyer&Sean Riley. 交换式以太网和快速型以太网。北京:电子工业出版社,1995译
3. 黎连业。网络工程与综合布线系统。清华大学出版社,1997
4. 黎连业。网络综合布线系统和施工技术。机械工业出版社,2000
5. 宋健锋。综合布线工程实用设计施工手册。中国建筑工业出版社。2000