220kv变电站桩基础设计毕业设计,220kv变电站桩基础设计毕业设计220kv变电站桩基础设计摘 要 变电站上部结构为变电室和生产楼等结构,而下部结构为基础,包括天然地基基础和桩基础。基础工程包括建筑物的地基与基础的设计与施工。为了保证风电场的正常使用与安全,地基与基础必须具有足够的强度和稳定性,变形也应在允许范围之内。根据地层变化情况、上部结构的...
原文档由会员 秋风2013 发布220kV变电站桩基础设计毕业设计
摘 要
关键词: 变电站;地基;预应力管桩;沉降;承台
The superstructure for the Substation is buildings for producing electriction, and its substructure is foundation which include natural foundation and the pile foundation. Infrastructure projects s include the design and construction for the foundation of the building. In order to ensure the normal use and security for the Substation, foundations must have adequate strength and stability, deformation should also be in allowing scope. According to the formation,s change, the upper structure, the load characteristics and the construction skills, using different types of foundations .
This paper is mainly about 220 kV substation foundation design as an example, based on China's hydropower engineering consultancy group of East China Survey and Design Institute of the investigation reports, in-depth understanding the engineering geological conditions of the engineering geological sites such as architectural landscape, geological structure hydrogeology conditions, the physical and mechanical properties of the soil and the physical phenomena. eva luates the proposed project sites, renders the proposed indicators of the rock mechanics and selection and the pile foundation design. .
First according to geological conditions, rock mechanics and the upper structure of the proposed form and structure of the upper weight, select a pile foundation forms - Prestressed Concrete Piles.On the basis of the eva luation of the natural foundation , analysis of the pile. According to the advantages and disadvantages of the Prestressed Concrete Piles, the formation conditions of venues, select the initial pile diameter and try to work out a length of the pile, and do design for piles and do the calculation: piles and pile bearing capacity of the settlement terms, the last from the shear, punching and Bending, and other constituents for the cap of buildings to face the design checking.
Key Words : Substation;Foundation;Prestressed Concrete Piles; Settlement;Cap of buildings
1 前言 1
2 工程概况 2
2.1 工程简介及勘察任务 2
2.1.1 工程概述 2
2.1.2 勘察目的任务 2
2.1.3 工作依据 2
2.2 勘察等级划分 3
2.2.1 安全等级 3
2.2.2 场地等级 3
2.2.3 地基等级 4
2.2.4 勘察等级 5
2.3 勘探孔的布置 5
2.3.1 勘探孔布置情况 5
2.3.2 勘察手段和完成工作量 6
3 工程地质及水文地质条件 8
3.1 工程地质条件 8
3.1.1 区域地质与地形地貌 8
3.1.2 地基土的构成与特征 8
3.2 场地地基土的物理力学性质 9
3.3 水文地质条件与水的腐蚀性评价 10
3.3.1 水文地质 10
3.3.2 水质分析 11
3.3.3 水的腐蚀性分析评价 11
4 场地岩土工程评价与桩基条件分析 13
4.1 场地类别及抗震地段划分 13
4.1.1 场地类别划分 13
4.1.2 抗震地段划分 13
4.2 本场地饱和砂土液化类别 13
4.3 天然地基评价 15
4.3.1 场地稳定性及适宜性评价 15
4.3.2 建筑结构荷载及基底压力估算 15
4.3.3 持力层选择 16
4.3.4 天然地基承载力评价 17
4.4 桩基条件分析评价 18
4.4.1 桩持力层与桩型选择 18
4.4.2 成桩可能性分析 19
4.4.3 桩基沉降分析 19
5 混凝土预应力管桩设计 20
5.1 混凝土预应力管桩简介 20
5.1.1 管桩的优点 20
5.1.2 管桩的缺点及局限 20
5.2 混凝土预应力管桩的设计 21
5.2.1 持力层选择 21
5.2.2 混凝土预应力管桩的设计 22
5.3 四桩承台的设计验算 28
5.3.1 抗剪计算 28
5.3.2 冲切计算 29
5.3.3 抗弯计算 30
5.4 六桩承台的设计验算 32
5.4.1 抗剪计算 32
5.4.2 冲切计算 33
5.4.3 抗弯计算 35
6 结论与建议 37
结束语 38
参考文献 39