汽车市场4s专卖店的营销策略分析论文,汽车市场4s专卖店的营销策略分析论文摘要 21世纪的今天,汽车工业的竞争愈演愈烈,随着竞争的加剧,汽车销售市场上出现了多种多样的汽车销售形式,诸如:“超市式大卖场”、“汽车一条街”、“特许经销商'、"专卖店”等多种汽车销售形式。其中,最引人注目的非4s专卖店的销售形式莫属了。它是现代汽车工业的产物,是随着汽车时代的...

此文档由会员 龙飞网络书城 发布汽车市场4S专卖店的营销策略分析论文
Nowadays-in 21 century, while the competition in automobile industry became sharper and sharper, many kinds of automobile sales forms have appeared in automobile sales market such as “automobile supermarket”, “Automobile Street”, “franchiser”, “franchised store”. Besides these sales form, the most noticeable sales form is “4S-franchised store”. It is the product of modern automobile industry caused by varied automobile sales market. Once it has become “the one” in the modern automobile industry all over the world. But with the revolutions of automobile market and many changes occurred in the automobile industry, 4S franchised store has change from the mainstream sale form to being eliminated in the competition. The automobile sales market has turned from seller’s market to buyer’s market. The customers have more and more demands and choices and the competition between dealers became sharper and sharper. The age that you will never loss money if you open a 4S franchised store has disappeared. Nowadays, many 4S-franchised stores have to face deficit and some stores have to start sell their property. The new automobile age has started, how the 4S-franchised stores deal with this situation? How can they earn the market share from today’s automobile market and how can they get more customers?
I write this paper in order to analyze the crisis faced by 4S-franchised store and find the factors, which have cause this crisis so that we can try to find some way to solve this situation through changing the market concept and the market strategy.
Key words: the situation of automobile sales form, the reason why 4S-franchised store has many problems, change of market concept, change of market strategy.
1 引言…………………………………………………………………… 4.
1.1 汽车销售行业4S专卖店的概念以及形成………………………………………4
1.2 汽车销售4S 专卖店模式与其它汽车销售模式的比较…………………………4.
2 汽车销售4S专卖店的现状……………………………………………8.
2.1 汽车销售4S专卖店模式面临危机………………………………………………8.
2.2 汽车销售4S 专卖店经销商遭遇洗牌………………………………………….9
2.3 汽车销售4S专卖店国内外现状比较……………………………………………9
2.4 汽车销售4S专卖店优劣势………………………………………………………10
3 影响汽车销售4S 专卖店经营的因素分析…………………………13
3.1 汽车市场经营环境及市场营销策略分析……………………………………….13
3.1.1 汽车市场经营环境分析……………………………………………………….13
3.1.2 汽车市场营销策略分析……………………………………………………….13
3.2 汽车销售4S专卖店面临三个层面的竞争………………………………………15
3.3 汽车销售4S 专卖店:硬件过硬,软件偏软……………………………………16
3.4 营销队伍专业化程度的影响…………………………………………………….18
4 解决汽车销售4S 店生存危机的对策……………………………….19
4.1 转变营销观念对汽车销售4S专卖店的影响………………………………….19
4.2 4S专卖店的核心是优质服务和诚信的售后服务…………………………….20
4.3 客户信息反馈不可忽视………………………………………………………..21
4.4 进一步加强销售人员的多方面培养…………………………………………..21
4.5 身边的奔驰揭示4S专卖店的优劣…………………………………………….22
5 结论…………………………………………………………………….28