结构紧凑型双频微带天线的设计,摘 要 近年来,无线通信系统向着多功能、大容量、智能化的方向飞速发展。中国移动通信行业处于2g(第二代移动通信技术,second generation mobile communication technology)与3g(第三代移动通信技术,third generation mobile communicatio...
此文档由会员 龙飞网络书城 发布摘 要
近年来,无线通信系统向着多功能、大容量、智能化的方向飞速发展。中国移动通信行业处于2G(第二代移动通信技术,Second Generation Mobile Communication Technology)与3G(第三代移动通信技术,Third Generation Mobile Communication Technology)共同飞速发展阶段,移动通信用户数目急剧增长,使得通信系统不断更新和扩容。为了减小无线通信中的干扰,降低成本,同时满足多系统、多功能的通信要求,实现多系统共用和收发共用,要求天线能在不同的工作频段下工作。考虑到既要满足上述特性,又要适用于工业化生产和实际的应用,我们需要一款结构相对简单、低剖面、机械性能好、易于集成的天线,因此多频微带天线是非常合适的选择。
本论文的工作重点在于设计小型双频微带贴片天线。论文中提出了一种适用于移动通信系统的紧凑型双频微带贴片天线结构,即在半圆贴片结构上用微带线馈电半圆环结构实现双频工作。该天线具有剖面低,结构简单,容易加工,成本低,易于和微带线电路集成,便于工业化生产等优点。借助三维电磁仿真软件Ansoft HFSS(High Frequency Structure Simulator),对双频微带天线进行了仿真。得到该天线具有两个工作频带,其中心频率分别在0.9GHz和1.8GHz。
In recent years, wireless communication system has developed rapidly and has shown the trends as multi-functional, large-capacity, intelligent. Mobile communication industry in China is now in the 2G (Second Generation Mobile Communication Technology) and 3G (Third Generation Mobile Communication Technology) environment. The rapid growth of the number of mobile communication users update and expand the communication system. In order to reduce the interference in wireless communications, to reduce costs and meet the requirements of multi-systems and multi-functions, meanwhile, to realize the multi-systems and transceiver sharing, an antenna should work in different operating frequencies. For not only satisfying above properties, but also meeting the application of industrial production, we need a kind of antenna which has a relatively simple structure, a low profile, good mechanical properties, and it should be easy to be integrated. So a multi-frequency microstrip antenna is a very suitable choice.
Microstrip antennas were a new type antennas fabricated successfully in the early 1970s. They have some attractive features such as light weight, small volume, low profile, and low production cost. They also can be easily integrated with microwave integrated circuits and easily made into dual-frequency and dual-polarization antennas. So they have been researched and developed widely in the recent twenty years. All kinds of new microstrip antennas structures emerged in endless. They have been used widely in personal mobile communication, satellite communications, direct broadcast system (DBS), global positioning system (GPS) and vehicle carrying system and so on. Based on previous research works on multi-frequency antennas, this paper proposed a low-profile dual-frequency microstrip antenna.
First of all, the paper focused on this low-profile microstrip antenna. The dual-frequency is generated through a half-ring structure and a half-circular patch element. The antenna has features as low profile, simple structure, easy to be processed, low cost, easy to be integrated, and easy to be used in industrial production. By using Ansoft HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator), the subject of microstrip antenna is simulated. Simulation and measurement results show that the proposed antenna works at 0.9 GHz and 1.8 GHz.
By using microwave anechoic chamber and Agilent network analyzer we have tested the antenna's performance. Test results show that the multi-frequency microstrip antenna which designed in this paper has two working bands, the center frequencies are located in 0.9GHz and 1.8GHz, respectively. At the two center frequencies, the proposed antenna has deeper resonance depth, good antenna gain and symmetric radiation pattern. The antenna can be applied in a mobile communication system.
Key words: Wireless LAN, 2G, 3G communication network, Mobile communication system, Multi-frequency, Microstrip antenna
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 多频微带天线国内外研究现状 2
1.3 研究目标及主要工作 2
1.4 本文的主要研究成果和内容安排 3
1.4.1主要创新成果 3
1.4.2组织结构 3
微带天线基本理论 4
2.1 微带天线的基本特性 4
2.1.1 微带天线的定义及结构 4
2.1.2 微带天线的优点及缺陷 4
2.2微带天线的辐射原理 5
2.3传输线模型理论 7
2.3.1微带线开路终端的辐射 8
2.3.2矩形微带天线的分析 10
2.4圆形贴片腔模型理论 12
2.4.1内场 12
2.4.2辐射场和方向图 17
2.4.3输入阻抗和品质因素 19
2.4.4带宽、效率和方向系数 22
2.5馈电方法 23
2.5.1微带线馈电 23
2.5.2同轴线馈电 23
2.5.3共面波导馈电 24
一款结构紧凑型双频微带天线设计 26
3.1 微带天线介质基片材料的选择 26
3.2 天线结构的设计 27
3.2.1天线尺寸的估算 27
3.2.2天线馈电方式及馈电位置的估算 28
3.3 天线仿真 29
3.3.1天线模型的仿真校正 29
3.3.2天线模型的仿真结果分析 30
3.4 微带天线相关参数影响分析 33
3.4.1半圆环贴片半径R1的影响 33
3.4.2半圆贴片半径R2的影响 35
3.4.3馈电线长度L1与宽度W1的影响 35
3.5 天线测量及结果分析 36
3.5.1天线测量环境简介 36
3.5.2测量仪器介绍 36
3.5.3天线测量结果 36
3.6 小结 37
结束语 38
4.1本论文的主要工作和创新点 38
4.2未来工作的展望 38
参考文献 39