

农民工市民化中的社会保障,[摘要]农民工在市民化过程中,农民工的社会保障问题尤为关键,本文通过分析农民工市民化现状、分析农民工社会保障现状及原因,研究建立和完善乡城统一平等的社会保障制度、进一步改善户籍制度、建立完善的劳动法律体系、加强建立政府公共权力对社会保障制度的软环境建设。[关键词]农民工; 城市化; 城乡二元壁垒...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 gladys201311 发布


[摘要] 农民工在市民化过程中,农民工的社会保障问题尤为关键,本文通过分析农民工市民化现状、分析农民工社会保障现状及原因,研究建立和完善乡城统一平等的社会保障制度、进一步改善户籍制度、建立完善的劳动法律体系、加强建立政府公共权力对社会保障制度的软环境建设。
[关键词] 农民工; 城市化; 城乡二元壁垒; 社会保障

Promote The Migrant Workers Citizenization Coure Social Security

Abstract: Peasant workers in the process of urbanization, peasant workers' social security problems, this paper analysis was key agricultural laborer resident status, analysis of social securitysituation and causes of migrant workers, establish and perfect the unity and equality township city social security system, further improve the household registration system, establishing perfect labor law system, strengthening the government of social security system of public power of soft environment construction.
Key words:Migrant workers; Urbanization; Dual barriers; Social security