配电智能终端的设计与研究,摘 要 配电智能终端是实现配网管理现代化的重要手段,本课题在研究分析配网管理的基础上,结合计算机技术、通信技术、信息技术、管理、系统控制技术等对配电智能终端进行了研究,设计基于arm处理器和嵌入式实时操作系统相结合的配电智能终端方案,并进行硬件和软件总体设计。 配电智能终端采用大规模集成...
此文档由会员 秋风2013 发布配电智能终端的设计与研究
摘 要
The intelligent distribution terminal is modern distribution management system to achieve an important guarantee for the economic development of society growing demand for electricity, making the original distribution terminal can no longer meet the requirements, and because of the rapid development of various technologies and The emergence of new technologies, distribution management to promote the development of a new terminal also. Distribution of this subject in the research and analysis on the basis of management development, and then made reference to the basis of previous research programs, combined with computer technology, communication technology, information technology, management and system control technology, the intelligent distribution terminal on the study design. the design of intelligent distribution terminal,which is based on the ARM processor and Embedded Real-Time Operating System(RTOS),is presented and demonstrated.The overall design of the hardware and software is carried out.
Smart device development in the distribution, the use of multi-dimensional solidification design (ie: communication protocol curing, curing function points, logic curing), to achieve system power load, stealing, power loss aspects of the comprehensive data collection, analysis, and system failures and alarm functions in case of fault recorder.
The intelligent distribution terminal adops the technology of large scale integrated circuit,and use digital signal drocessing technology, with a core of 32-bit RISC CPU and great rate, high precision digital sampling chip,the new measurement and control device set AC sampling, communications, reactive current compensation, harmonics analysis, distribution monitoring functions, temperature and humidity measurement, control functions as one,it’s applicable on AC 0.4kv,50Hz monitoring in low voltage distribution network and reactive power compensation, above the integrated monitoring of 10kv high voltage supply system and electricpowerplants, electric substation.It has communication interface,which can use local communication and long-range communications, remote call, modify the parameters andRemote control capacitor switching.
The intelligent distribution terminal end of AD sampling chip 16-bit real-time cross-mining, the use of floating point calculations in the form of the Fourier power, precision can reach 0.2S class, replacing the transfer function through the sense of meter measurement functions. In order to improve anti-poor environment (including weather environment and electric and magnetic environment) the ability to communicate with intelligent terminal distribution protocol converter module to meet the end requirements to adapt to the complex communication environment, while digital authentication technology to ensure the security and communication systems stability.
The intelligent distribution terminal designed exquisite, technologically advanced ,powerful , variety measuringdata,of good precision,high reliability, switching control configuration with great convenience, flexible characteristics.It set temperature, condensation, switching value and the other typies of signal measurement,with the electrical relay’s output controlling, fills up the gap of the intelligent distribution terminal on our country.
Key words: ARM,Power Load Management System, Embedded System
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract III
目 录 V
Contents VII
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景与研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状与分析 1
1.3 论文主要完成工作 3
第二章 配电智能终端的总体设计 5
2.1 配电智能终端需求分析 5
2.1.1配电终端的基本功能 5
2.1.2配电终端的参照标准 6
2.1.3配电智能终端的技术指标 7
2.2 主处理器选型 8
2.3 嵌入式操作系统选型 8
2.4 终端的总体构架 9
2.4.1 硬件总体架构 9
2.4.2 软件总体架构 11
第三章 配电智能终端硬件平台设计 13
3.1 LPC2292微处理器硬件结构 13
3.1.1 LPC2292微处理器特性 13
3.1.2 LPC2292体系结构 14
3.2 终端的功能模块电路设计 15
3.2.1 ARM核心模块 15
3.2.2 电源模块 16
3.2.3 复位模块 16
3.2.4系统时钟模块 17
3.2.5通信接口模块 19
3.2.6存储器、LCD模块 22
3.2.7键盘模块 24
3.2.8测量模块 25
3.2.9控制输出模块 29
第四章 配电智能终端的软件设计 31
4.1 终端启动过程整体分析 31
4.2 配电智能终端的任务功能实现 32
4.2.1监视任务 33
4.2.2数据采集与处理 35
4.2.3抄电表任务 38
4.2.4基于GPRS/CDMA的通讯任务 39
4.2.5键盘扫描和液晶显示任务 42
4.2.6文件服务和负荷管理任务 42
第五章 结论 49
5.1 本文总结 49
5.2 今后展望 49
参考文献 51
攻读学位期间发表论文 54
独创性声明 55
致 谢 56