

捷翔公司薪酬体系优化研究,摘 要   薪酬体系是企业人力资源管理的核心内容,合理有效的薪酬体系不仅能有效激发员工的积极性与主动性,促进员工努力实现组织目标,提高组织的效益,而且能在人才竞争日益激烈的知识经济下吸引和保留住一支素质良好且有竞争力的员工队伍。   捷翔公司是一家国有企业控股的股份制汽车销售服务企业,采用4s店...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 秋风2013 发布


摘  要


   The Salary system is the core content to motivate a team to be efficient, also it can not only stimulate enthusiasm and initiative of employees, but also promote employees to achieve organizational goals, improve organizational efficiency, and meanwhile it can attract and retain a good quality and competitive workforce.
   The Jiexiang is a state-controlled jointed enterprise car sales and service enterprise, which can provide 4S professional sales and service to KIA car series. In recent years, as the company continues to expand, the talent supply and demand have become increasingly prominent. At present, it is because a serious lack of talent has hindered the development of the company. Therefore, how to attract and retain management and technical talent is an urgent problem.
   In this paper, it is focus on to study the payroll system of Jiexiang Company base on the modern theories and payroll structure, in-depth analysis of the business situation and in human resource management problems of the company, especially in the current payroll system. Integrated use of surveys, personal interviews and other research tools, through job analysis, job eva luation, salary surveys and other scientific methods, combined with the actual situation, in a substantial absorption of the modern management concept, based on salary and a set of design the structure of post pay system to address Jiexiang company pay the problems in the hope that the operation of the system driven by Jiexiang, the standardization of corporate management, and promote other aspects of the company Jiexiang We also hope this theory could be referred by other car sale company in payroll system.
   This paper also proposed essential conditions and terms in order to fully fulfill the payroll package, also analyzed and eva luated the advantages and disadvantages of the payroll system.
   Key words: Payroll system, Salary and wage management, the Jiexiang company
目  录
第1章  绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究的目的和意义 2
1.3薪酬相关理论综述 3
1.3.1薪酬理论发展 3
1.3.2现代西方经济学的薪酬理论 4
1.3.3现代薪酬管理发展的趋势 5
1.4研究的方法、思路和框架 7
第2章  薪酬体系设计的相关理论 9
2.1 薪酬的构成 9
2.1.1经济性薪酬 9
2.1.2非经济性薪酬 10
2.2薪酬设计的指导理论 11
2.3薪酬的功能分析 13
2.4薪酬体系设计的理论基础 15
2.4.1薪酬体系设计的原则 15
2.4.2薪酬制度设计的流程 16
第3章  捷翔公司薪酬体系现状及存在的问题分析 19
3.1捷翔公司概况及经营环境分析 19
3.1.1捷翔公司概况 19
3.1.2捷翔公司经营环境分析 20
3.2捷翔公司人力资源现状 21
3.2.1捷翔公司人力资源概况 21
3.2.2员工离职情况分析 23
3.3捷翔公司薪酬体系现状 26
3.3.1现行薪酬体系概述 26
3.3.2现行薪酬体系的分析与评价 28
3.3.3现行薪酬体系满意度调查 34
3.4捷翔公司薪酬体系问题产生的原因分析 36
第4章  捷翔公司薪酬体系设计 38
4.1捷翔公司薪酬体系设计的原则和思路 38
4.1.1捷翔公司薪酬体系设计的原则 38
4.1.2捷翔公司薪酬体系设计的思路 39
4.2捷翔公司薪酬体系的设计 40
4.2.1确定捷翔公司薪酬策略 40
4.2.2薪酬体系优化步骤 41
4.2.3捷翔公司岗位分析 41
4.2.4捷翔公司岗位评价 43
4.2.5捷翔公司开展薪酬调查 48
4.2.6捷翔公司确定薪酬结构 49
4.3捷翔公司薪酬模式选择 51
4.4捷翔公司薪酬体系设计方案 53
4.4.1捷翔公司薪酬结构设计 53
4.4.2捷翔公司薪酬模式分类设计 56
4.4.3薪酬调整的原则和注意事项 65
4.4.4薪酬调整的步骤 65
4.4.5薪酬调整具体方案 66
第5章  捷翔公司薪酬体系效果分析 68
5.1薪酬体系新方案的实施 68
5.2薪酬体系设计方案的评价 70
第6章  总结和展望 72
致    谢 74
参考文献 75
附录一:薪酬满意度调查问卷 77