

网上购物系统毕业设计(含论文+源码),摘 要   随着internet的迅速发展,越来越多的企业开始建设自己的网站。很多企业都已不满足于建立一个简单的仅仅能够发布信息的静态网站。现代企业需要的是一个功能强大的,能提供完善的电子商务服务的交互式动态商务网站。   asp.net是microsoft公司推出的一种交互式动态web应用程序开发工具。 asp.ne...
分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 秋风2013 发布

摘 要
   ASP.NET是Microsoft公司推出的一种交互式动态Web应用程序开发工具。 ASP.NET可以在数据库的配合下,开发出功能强大的Web应用程序。
   整个购物系统是采用B/S(browser/server)三层结构,利用ASP.NET作为动态网站开发工具,以SQL Server 2000作为系统的后台数据库。通过对购物系统进行需求分析、对系统总体架构进行设计,系统主要实现了以下功能:会员注册与管理,商品陈列上架,商品分类管理,商品检索,用户购物车,订单生成与管理,会员购物积分,网上安全支付等功能。
关键词: 电子商务 ASP.NET SQL Server

Title The Design and Implement of On-Line Shopping System

With the fast developing of Internet, more and more enterprises start to construct their own homepage. Many enterprises are not satisfied to establish the static website which is only able to issue the information. The need of modern enterprise is a formidable function dynamic commercial website, which can provide interactive electronic commerce service.
 ASP.NET is a kind of development kit of interactive dynamic Web application procedure which Microsoft promotes. Under the database coordination ASP.NET could develop the formidable function Web application procedure.
 The entire shopping system uses B/S (browser/server) 3-tier, and takes ASP.NET as the dynamic website development kit, and takes SQL Server 2000 as the backstage database management system. Through carrying the demand analysis on the shopping system, carrying the design on the system overall overhead construction, the system has mainly realized below the function: Member registration and management, commodity exhibition top carriage, classification of goods management, commodity retrieva l, user Shopping Cart, order form production and management, member shopping integral, On-Line security payment, and so on.
 In order to solve the security problem about On-Line payment, in the system, I have selected two kinds of method of payment. 1st, to realize the On-Line payment, it integrates the current quite mature means of payment of third party, ZhifuBao.2nd; it uses virtual money to carry on On-Line payment.
 Although the use of ZhifuBao is very convenient, the method of payment is not flexible enough; the method of payment based on SMS is still waited for development.
Keywords Electronic Commerce ASP.NET SQL Server

目 次

1 引言 1
2 相关技术 2
2.1 开发背景 2
2.2 ASP.NET简介 2
2.3 ADO.NET简介 3
2.4 ASP.NET开发环境 3
2.5 ASP.NET技术的优点 3
2.6 B/S结构的优越性 4
3 系统需求 5
3.1 设计目标 5
3.2 需求分析 5
3.2.1 角色识别 5
3.2.2 客户功能 6
3.2.3 管理功能 6
3.2.4 角色模型图 6
3.2.5 功能模块划分 7
3.3 系统运行配置 8
4 系统设计 9
4.1 系统业务流程 9
4.1.1 客户端流程 9
4.1.2 服务器端流程 10
4.2 系统功能模块 11
4.3 数据库设计 12
4.3.1 数据库需求 12
4.3.2 数据库设计 14
5 功能实现 19
5.1 用户界面 19
5.2 管理界面 19
5.3 代码详细说明 20
5.3.1 公用类 20
5.3.2 客户功能实现 21
5.3.3 支付方式 25
5.4 系统扩展 28
结 论 29
致 谢 30
参 考 文 献 31