多方向太阳能收集控制系统的设计[包括电路原理图],多方向太阳能收集控制系统的设计包括电路原理图摘 要 在太阳能光伏发电领域,为了降低成本,提高太阳能利用率就必须跟踪太阳。利用廉价的光敏电阻和spce061a单片机设计了一种多方向太阳能收集控制系统,实现了大范围高精度地跟踪太阳。分析了太阳运行规律,在综合分析目前各种太阳能发电系统跟踪方法特点的基础上,提出了两级跟踪...

此文档由会员 wanli1988go 发布多方向太阳能收集控制系统的设计
摘 要
In the solar application system,a solar-tracing device which is simple,inexpensive,but with high precision is being sought.The problem of large range tracing is discussed in this thesis.Then a tracing device composed of light sensors and MCU ,SPCE061A is developed.
The tracing of the sun and kinds of working states of the tracing-devices are discussed in this thesis.Analyzing the characteristics of tracing devices being used in kinds of solar generation systems,a tracing device--two level tracing sensors is designed.Exact orientation tracing can be achieved in the limited angle range with one traditional group of sensors.To enlarge the tracing range,another group of sensors should be added which Can carry out rough orientation tracing.When the included angle between the axis of tracing sensors and sun ray is very large,rough orientation sensors start working until the included angle is in the range of exact orientation tracing.Then exact orientation sensors start working until the axis is parallel with the sun ray.As a result,a large range and high precision tracing are realized by the two level tracing sensors.According to the analysis of kinds of functions possessed by the sensor-tracing device,hardware and software design has finished.A simple tracing device is made to make some experiments with the two level tracing sensors,the interpretation of which is that the tracing precision Can achieve 1°and the tracing range is 180°in elevation and 270°in azimuth.This two level sensor-tracing device is not only inexpensive,but also with simple structure,which Can be used in concentrical photovoltaic solar energy generation,disk solar energy thermal-generation and tower solar energy thermal-generation.
Key words:Solar energy;A large range tracing;Two level tracing sensors;Light sensors
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第 1 章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 多方向太阳能收集研究现状 1
1.3 设计主要内容 2
第 2 章 总体方案设计 4
2.1 太阳运行规律 4
2.1.1 地球的公转与赤纬角 4
2.1.2 地球的自转与太阳时 4
2.2 跟踪方案的选择 5
2.2.1 视日运动轨迹跟踪 5
2.2.2 光电跟踪 6
2.2.3 视日运动轨迹跟踪和光电跟踪相结合 7
2.2.4 设计跟踪方案 7
2.3 系统总体方案设计 8
2.3.1 多方向太阳能收集控制系统组成 8
2.3.2 控制系统主要元器件选型 8
第 3 章 系统硬件设计 11
3.1 机械结构设计 11
3.2 光电传感器设计 12
3.2.1 光电传感器结构设计 12
3.2.2 光电传感器信号处理单元 13
3.3 系统电源设计 15
3.4 伺服模块电路设计 15
3.5 角度传感器接口电路 16
3.6 风速传感器接口电路 16
3.7 通信模块电路设计 17
第 4 章 系统软件设计 18
4.1 主程序设计 18
4.2 键盘消抖 19
4.3 模拟量采集软件设计 19
4.4 电机控制程序设计 20
第 5 章 系统调试 22
5.1 主要硬件的调试 22
5.1.1 太阳位置传感器的调试 22
5.1.2 输入显示模块的调试 22
5.1.3 电机驱动器的调试 23
5.2 整体调试 23
5.2.1 人工模拟太阳调试 23
5.2.2 室外测试 24
结论 25
参考文献 26
附录 27