2700用于人体皮肤温度的测量毕业论文,摘 要皮肤温度是一个敏感的指标,与人的温热感觉、脉搏变化基本上是相平行的,因此是评价小气候对人体影响的常用生理指标。由于在同一环境中机体各部位的皮肤温度可能相差很大,如何准确、有效地测量其温度就极为重要。本文介绍了采用美国keithley仪器公司的2700数字多用表对人体皮肤温度进行准确有效地测量的方案。测温的关键是:...

此文档由会员 秋风2013 发布
摘 要
皮肤温度是一个敏感的指标,与人的温热感觉、脉搏变化基本上是相平行的,因此是评价小气候对人体影响的常用生理指标。由于在同一环境中机体各部位的皮肤温度可能相差很大,如何准确、有效地测量其温度就极为重要。本文介绍了采用美国Keithley仪器公司的2700数字多用表对人体皮肤温度进行准确有效地测量的方案。测温的关键是:安装配置7700多路开关模块,多通道测量人体不同部位的皮肤温度;选择合适的传感器进行合理的连接,以达到所要求的精度;安装使用Integra UP & Running 软件,测量并记录所测数据。
关键字: 皮肤温度 2700 7700多路开关模块 传感器 Integra UP & Running 软件
Skin temperature is a sensitive indicator, the warm feeling the pulse of change is basically parallel, it is to eva luate climate on human physiological effects of commonly used indicators. As in the same environment of the body parts of the skin temperature can vary enormously, how accurate, effective measurement of the temperature becomes very important. This paper describes the equipment used by the U.S. Keithley's 2700 digital multimeter to human skin temperature accurate measurement of the effective program. Temperature is the key : the installation of more than 7,700 road configuration switch modules, multi-channel measurement of the human body in different parts of the skin temperature; choose a suitable sensor reasonable link to reach the required precision; Integra installation UP & Running software, measuring and recording the measured data.
Keywords: Skin temperature 2700 7700 Multi-sensor switch module Integra UP & Running Software
皮肤温度是一个敏感的指标,与人的温热感觉、脉搏变化基本上是相平行的,因此是评价小气候对人体影响的常用生理指标。由于在同一环境中机体各部位的皮肤温度可能相差很大,如何准确、有效地测量其温度就极为重要。本文介绍了采用美国Keithley仪器公司的2700数字多用表对人体皮肤温度进行准确有效地测量的方案。测温的关键是:安装配置7700多路开关模块,多通道测量人体不同部位的皮肤温度;选择合适的传感器进行合理的连接,以达到所要求的精度;安装使用Integra UP & Running 软件,测量并记录所测数据。
关键字: 皮肤温度 2700 7700多路开关模块 传感器 Integra UP & Running 软件
Skin temperature is a sensitive indicator, the warm feeling the pulse of change is basically parallel, it is to eva luate climate on human physiological effects of commonly used indicators. As in the same environment of the body parts of the skin temperature can vary enormously, how accurate, effective measurement of the temperature becomes very important. This paper describes the equipment used by the U.S. Keithley's 2700 digital multimeter to human skin temperature accurate measurement of the effective program. Temperature is the key : the installation of more than 7,700 road configuration switch modules, multi-channel measurement of the human body in different parts of the skin temperature; choose a suitable sensor reasonable link to reach the required precision; Integra installation UP & Running software, measuring and recording the measured data.
Keywords: Skin temperature 2700 7700 Multi-sensor switch module Integra UP & Running Software