

中国大型石油化工公司发展战略研究,摘要   现代石油化工工业奠定了人类现代工业的基础,是人类进入现代化工业社会的金钥匙。随着“世界石油峰值”、“高油价时代”的到来,世界石油资源、石化市场的竞争已经进入白热化阶段。中国改革开放30年,经济实现了前所未有的快速发展,我国石油化工产业作为国民经济的支柱产业也取得了长足的进步,已形成了以中国石油化工集团公司、中...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 秋风2013 发布

摘 要



   In today’s world, as a crucial key to enter the modern industrial society, petrochemical industry has laid a solid foundation of human modern industry. With the arrival of “world peak oil” and the sustaining increasing of oil price, a competition for oil resources and petrochemical market has become more and more intensive. During the 30 years since China carried out reform and opening up policy, as one of China’s pillar industries, petrochemical industry has made significant progress, and formed a comprehensive petrochemical industry pattern with three domestic super-large state-owned petrochemical corporations—China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation and China National Offshore Oil Corporation—as the lead and other small and medium sized companies as supplement. Recreated by the state administrative departments in 1980s, the three state-owned petrochemical corporations have become important participants in global energy market, and basically established a modern enterprise system with clear definition of property right, well-defined power and responsibilities, separation of government functions from enterprise management and scientific administration. However, during the course of going global and marketization, China’s super-large petrochemical corporations have come across various problems, including imperfect governance, low level of science and technology, lack of energy conservation and environmental protection ability, single product structure, low level industry overcapacity and poor global competiveness and profitability, holding back their transition from state petrochemical companies to international petrochemical corporations. So, at this moment, it seems particularly important to study why, where and how should China’s super-large petrochemical corporations develop themselves.
   According to the main problems and challenges China’s super-large petrochemical corporations are facing, this thesis would specifically analyze the international and domestic environment, and make a comparison between China’s super-large petrochemical corporations and the world first-rate ones—Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon Mobil and British Petroleum. In conclusion, taking developing China’s super-large petrochemical corporations into world first-class ones as the strategic objective, this thesis would come up with a development strategy system at the macro level, and then make detailed implementation and control plans in aspects of business development, enterprise culture, management system and scientific innovation.

Key words: super-large Petrochemical Corporations, Petrochemical, Development Strategy
目 录
第1章 前 言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的与研究意义 3
1.3 研究思路与研究方法 4
第2章 中国石油化工产业发展概述 5
2.1 石油化工工业简介 5
2.2 中国石油化工产业发展历程 5
2.3 中国大型石油化工企业概况 7
2.3.1 中国石油天然气集团公司 7
2.3.2 中国石油化工集团公司 8
2.3.3 中国海洋石油总公司 9
2.4 中国大型石油化工企业发展面临的主要问题 9
2.4.1面临环保、减排压力,可持续发展遭遇挑战 9
2.4.2资源争夺日趋激烈,保供应难度不断加大 10
2.4.3市场竞争日趋激烈,企业竞争力有待提升 11
2.4.4替代产业快速发展,中发展方向面临选择 11
2.4.5管理体制尚需进一步理顺 12
第3章 国际环境分析 14
3.1 世界经济形势变化对石油化工行业产生深远的影响 14
3.1.1 全球金融危机带来新的经济格局 14
3.1.2 新一轮工业化浪潮将推动石油化工行业快速发展 15
3.1.3 各国贸易政策变化对石油化工行业的发展带来了新的不确定性 15
3.1.4 资源争夺激烈及油价高位持续震荡 16
3.1.5 石油替代产业快速发展带来了重大影响 16-b..