事业单位管理中的人力资源管理毕业论文,这篇论文是本科生的毕业论文,是人力资源管理专业的毕业论文,行文比较完善,一共34页,22438个字。摘 要 事业单位具有贴近市场、机制灵活、创新性强、管理效率高的优势,其特点决定了它独特的人力资源管理模式。因而必须以市场以及国家运行的基本理念来构建事业单位的人力资源管理模式。 事业单位信息化的发展对于事业单位的...
此文档由会员 论文专卖 发布这篇论文是本科生的毕业论文,是人力资源管理专业的毕业论文,行文比较完善,一共34页,22438个字。
摘 要
Public institutions have some advantages as follow: it closes to the market, and has flexible mechanism; innovation and strong effective management .Its unique characteristics determine its human resources management. Therefore, it must take the market to build the basic ideas and institutions of human resources management model as well as national operation.
Information and institutions for the development of institutions and the internal organizational structure within the various departments have put forward a challenge, human resources management departments need to change the traditional model of personnel management and human resources management information. As the enterprise resource of human resources, it has been considered as an isolated system independent of enterprises outside the core management system for a long time. The first enterprise managers in enterprises in order to reduce wages accounting large cumbersome manual option employ a number of consulting firms or the introduction of some wages accounting system. It has remained at the level of decentralized mode of operation after the development of human resources systems. In commercial enterprises in the increasingly fierce competition today, how to attract outstanding personnel and reasonable arrangements for human resources, reduce staff costs and improve the competitiveness of enterprises, corporate managers have to consider is the most important issue.
This article focuses on the enterprise management information in human resources management system of basic principles. As well as the resource management content and features on the LS of Human Resource Management, according to the final question of the viability of the proposed solution, and then focus on analysis. Construction of sees and from the start with human resources management model, the proposed information system solutions.
Key words:Institutions;Human Resources Management;Enterprise Management; Human resources management strategy
目 录
目 录 III
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 选题依据与意义 1
1.2 研究方法与写作思路 2
第2章 事业单位人力资源管理综述 3
2.1 事业单位人力资源管理内涵 3
2.2 事业单位人力资源管理的特点 3
2.2.1所有制结构复杂 3
2.2.2信息化层次差异较大 4
2.2.3信息产品适用性较差 4
2.2.4组织结构不健全 5
2.2.5人才观念不正确 5
2.2.6管理专业化程度低 5
2.3 事业单位的人力资源管理诉求 6
2.3.1建立以绩效为中心的人力资源管理体系 6
2.3.2建立以科学考核为基础的内部竞争机制 7
2.3.3建立以激励性薪酬为主要内容的报酬制度 8
第3章 事业单位人力资源管理现状及成因分析 9
3.1 辽宁省水利水电勘测设计研究院概况 9
3.2 辽宁省水利水电勘测设计研究院人力资源管理现状 10
3.2.1信息化水平普遍较低 10
3.2.2人员招聘与选拔程序不合理 11
3.2.3人员培训与开发 11
3.2.4企业文化建设范围狭窄 11
3.3 存在问题的成因分析 12
3.3.1领导观念问题 12
3.3.2信息管理人才问题 12
3.3.3企业管理模式问题 13
3.3.4信息化均衡问题 13
3.3.5资金与环境问题 13
第4章 辽水设计院人力资源管理问题解决对策 14
4.1明确选拔高素质人才 14
4.2巩固人员培训与开发 14
4.3精细考核与评估 15
4.4增加员工报酬与福利 15
4.5树立正确的人才观 16
4.6避免人才消费误区 16
4.7合理调整组织结构 17
4.8稳定员工队伍 17
4.9建立学习组织 17
4.10控制人力资源成本 18
第5章 结论 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 22
附 录Ⅰ 23
附 录Ⅱ 28